
montalk 20/11/98
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Part I: Microbusting An offshoot of orgonomy, weather engineering offers both electrifying experiences and burdens of responsibility for the cloudbuster operator. Though theories as to how or why it works are abundant, research by such notables as Trevor James Constable, James DeMeo, Robert McCullough, and, of course, Wilhelm Reich) has unequivocably shown that methods employed in cloudbusting do influence weather patterns. Further investigations by backyard experimenters as myself only confirm this fact.

My own weather operations started in May of 1996 and ended in September of 1997, and although seventeen months may seem insignificant to the years of research conducted by others, the months were sufficient to allow an assemblage of theories and protocols for the production of desired atmospheric precipitation.

Traditional practices in cloudbusting centered around the concept of orgone energy, claimed by its discoverer, Wilhelm Reich, to be a negentropic life force affecting physical, biological, and psychological systems depending on its charge density, rate of flow, and excitability. The various forms of orgone, such as DOR (deadly orgone), and ORANUR (orgone excited by radioactive energy), all have specific effects upon these systems, which are described in the following chart:
physical  biological  psychological  atmospheric 
Orgone  Negative ionic, affinity for water, negentropic, blue glow, life-positive, alters alpha decay of radioactive material.  Abiogenesis of bions, tingling warmth on skin, enhances healthy growth of life, stimulates cilia movement.  Free flow of emotions, sense of well being, vitality, rapidly discharges during orgasm.  In dense concentrations accompanied by cumulous clouds and/or precipitation, in low densities by aridity, adds clarity to blueness of sky. 
DOR  Positive ionic, signifies lack or stagnation of orgone, created by TV's, microwaves, and other electromagnetic sources.  Destimulates cilia, slows intake of oxygen, dehydrates the body, causes severe thirst.  Creates fatigue, blocks emotional release, deppression.  Black clouds without rain, desert-like arid stagnation of climate, stagnant weather patterns, haze
Oranur  Densely positive ionic, orgone dangerously excited by alpha radiation (as found in smoke detectors), decomposes minerals into brown melanor.  Along with symptoms of radiation sickness, clears life-forms within its field of effect.  In buildings, creates an atmosphere of aggression, hysteria, claustrophobia, and uneasiness.  Shred-like decomposition of cloud edges, cobalt-blue sky. 

All three forms of orgone have specific atmospheric effects due to its intense affinity for water; strong concentrations of "good" orgone are accompanied by water, and low densities by arridity. A cloud, for example, is a pocket of dense orgone energy, but the surrounding blue sky contains a lower concentration. According to classic cloudbuster theory, in order for a cloud to "bust," its orgone content must be "drawn" away by some means.

It was by accident that such a means was found. Wilhelm Reich and his associates observed that pipes pointed at a lake before them influenced the shape of waves upon the water. Years later, Reich capitalized upon this effect by relieving what was then known as the DOR Emergency, during which the inhabitants of his laboratory in Rangeley, Maine, became victims to "DOR sickness." He sought ways to rid the area of this deadly orgone which had not only sickened his co-workers, but also caused the static accumulation of dark, drought-like clouds in the skies above. What soon evolved was a contraption composed of twelve copper pipes, each 1.5 - 2" diameter and 10' long, whose bottom ends were connected in parallel to BX electrical cables which were dropped in a well to siphon the DOR from the sky toward the water within the well. After ridding the region of DOR, the cloudbuster was found to be useful for either producing or preventing rain in the region. For several years, Reich offered his services in preventing forecasted rainstorms for special events such as parades and other special events, as well as breaking several droughts beflicting the region.

The theory behind cloudbusting involved a monumental principle: orgone flows from low potential to high. In practice, this meant that to draw orgone from a cloud into a collection of pipes, the orgone potential of the pipes had to be made higher than that of the cloud. This was the purpose of grounding the pipes in water, prefferably running water. Since much orgone was already present in the water contacting the pipes, much more so than within the cloud, when the pipes were aimed at the center of the cloud, the orgone by means of the above principle naturally flowed from cloud to pipe and into the water to be flushed away.

Reich made an analogy between a lightning rods and cloudbusters: both discharge orgone from the sky (lightning was believed to be a super-dense bolt of electricity and orgone), except whereas a lightning rod does so in the fraction of a second, the cloudbuster extends its influence over tens of minutes -- an hour is the usual draw duration. Though lightning rods channel much greater magnitudes of energy than cloudbusters, it is not difficult to see why a cloudbuster produces a more apparent change in shape of a cloud than lightning rods do. It is not the magnitude of energy involved, but rather the rate of energy flow. With the cloudbuster's slower rate of orgone siphoning, the chaotically evolving cloud has a longer time to respond to the influence of a cloudbuster operator.

The rate of draw is dependent upon rate of water flow within the pipe, number of pipes, and the skill at which the cloudbuster is operated. The length-to-diameter ratio determines the range of influence of the cloudbuster; the larger the ratio, the longer the range. Requirements of fast-running water hint at the mechanism by which cloudbusters function. To fully understand how metal tubes pointed at the sky can change it, one must realize that orgone is both an ionic and conscious phenomena. The ionic interactions occuring within the cloud at a molecular level explain, for the most part, how and why cloudbusting is possible. As mentioned, orgone bears characteristics uncannily similar to electrical phenomena, specifically that of ionized air. Orgone and ionized air are compared as follows:
Orgone  Ions 
Highly charged orgone accumulators placed in the dark are seen to emit a blue glow.  Objects ionized by high voltage electricity give off a blue corona. 
A healthy dose of orgone "freshens" the air, creates an energized sense of well being.  Negative ion generators also freshen the air, stimulate cilia movement within air passages of subjects breathing negative ions -- leading to a better filtration of dirty air and increased oxygen utilization within the body. 
DOR causes thirst, fatigue, irritability, and blank stares among its victims.  Positive ions (lack of negative ions) decrease cilia movement, leading to throat irritations and thirst caused by lowered production of mucous and resulting increase of foreign particulates entering the lung, and oxygen utilization is lowered, also creating fatigue. 
Orgone is neutralized or absorbed by water.  Static electricity is also neutralized of absorbed by water. 
Cloudbusters are like lightning rods, but draw orgone at a slower rate.  Lightning rods channel bolts of electricity, cloudbusters channel ions slowly. 
Orgone can alter the decay rate of radioactive materials.   Ions are known to affect radioactive decay. 

Quite clearly, orgone not only resembles electricity, but could actually be electricity with one exception: several behaviors of orgone cannot be fully explained by the physics of ionization alone, which leads to my hypothesis that the unnaccounted factor is of psychic origin, in other words, it is a radionic/conscious factor.

First, however, let's analyze the ionic aspects of orgone before we return to the radionic hypothesis in weather engineering. If we visualize the interaction between a cloudbuster and its target as being not one of orgone "drawn" into the pipe, but rather ions from the pipe being released into the atmosphere toward that target, then the generation of the ions and their resulting interaction with a cloud's water droplets can elegantly be explained.

One requirement when cloudbusting is fast running water, as mentioned above. The simplest of this type is a copper pipe with a spray nozzled hose inserted into its lower end, as shown in this diagram:

To allow full emersion of the pipe's end into water, a tub can be used:

More advanced and efficient configurations involve atomizing the water into a fine mist before injecting them into the tube. A make-shift version of this type utilizes a motorized air humidifier commonly found at Wal-Mart for $15 during the winter season. A flexible, expandable hose is connected from the humidifier to the pipe:

At the molecular level, neutral streams of water are atomized by the nozzle or humidifier into small droplets light enough to be suspended in air. These droplets, by a well known phenomena, are ionized; when water is split into smaller globules, charge imbalances occur. Often, more negative ions are produced than positive ones as in a rainstorm, where raindrops splashing on the ground shoot off negatively charged droplets (in rare instances, such raindrops have been seen to discharge sparks of electricity upon contact with the ground). Within the cloudbuster's pipe, much of the positive ions are grounded, creating in effect a filter mechanism by which negatively ionized water droplets are produced and forced from the muzzle of a cloudbuster. This explains why fast-running water is a recommendation: the faster the water, the larger the spray, and the more ionized droplets are created.

Ions leave the cloudbuster to dissipate into the atmosphere and interact with an aimed target, the cloud. Precision to which these ions are capable of being aimed shall be discussed below, for it is radionic fundamentals that explain the precision. Contrary to expectations the ions do not simply drift away like smoke from a pipe, but coherently reach their target in a conical, if not beam-like projection. Once the ions reach a water droplet in the cloud, the largely neutral droplet (which is really a collection of negative droplets around a positive condensation nucleus, the total charge being zero), is split into smaller negatively charged droplets now small enough to be classified as water vapor, which is invisible to the naked eye except for its filtering effect of the sun's rays causing our sky's blue hue. A cloud can therefore be made to "disappear" when its water droplets have been ionized by the cloudbuster's ions into invisible water vapor. Conversely, a section of blue sky, occupied mostly by uniformly charged positive water vapor ions, can be made to coalesce into visible water droplets through neutralization by the interaction with the cloudbuster's negative ions:

Because opposites attract and similars repel (Law of Attraction and Repulsion of Charges), large water droplets can either be made to split into two or more repelling water vapor molecules, or ionized water vapor molecules can be neutralized and caused to coalesce into a cloud.

Therefore, to destroy a cloud, the cloudbuster is aimed at the cloud, and the ions dissociate it:

This is in complete agreement with classic cloudbusting protocol.

Now that ions are known to be partially responsible for weather modifying effects, one can see why waterless cloudbuster units are possible. Trevor James Constable, whose work is detailed in the book Loom of the Future (one I recommend you read for its philosophical insights and profuse number of photographs), mentions waterless units called "blue-bellies", which are in essence orgone accumulators wrapped around the lower half of PVC pipe and bound with duct tape. For those who do not know what an "orgone accumulator" is, visit the PORE webpage. Orgone accumulators are composed of layers of organic and inorganic material, most commonly cotton and steel wool in alternating layers. Such a configuration of materials is said to become charged with orgone, and radiate the orgone to objects near the accumulator. Any physics student can see that alternating layers of metal and insulator forms a capacitor. By virtue of its porous and fluffy texture, such accumulators gather electrical energy and emit a constant field of charged air ions. The source of this charge is gravity, known by Townsend Brown and George Hodowanec to produce self-charge on a capacitor. When an accumulator is wrapped around a pipe, plastic or metal as in the orgone "Volcano" model below,

the pipe will emit ions just as a regular cloudbuster, except without the need for water.

This principle can thus be applied through a high voltage ion generator inserted into the end of a metal or plastic pipe and aimed at the sky. This method allows, in effect, a power-cloudbuster to be constructed which needs only to be pointed, set, plugged in, and monitored.

However, a question arises as to how so few ions can impact the development of thunderheads (cumulo-nimbus clouds hundreds of yards in height). The answer to this question is easily apparent and stems from the same reason why, under Chaos theory, the air currents generated by a butterfly flapping its wings could eventually lead to the formation of a hurricane. Cloud development, and weather, for that matter, is extremely chaotic and volatile to the smallest factors. A cloudbuster's ion can act as a a crucial trigger in causing millions of other water vapor molecules to coalesce in a chain reaction, much like cloud seeding utilizing dry ice dropped from airplanes into clouds also create a chain reaction.

Unlike the butterfly effect, however, where the trigger's effect is chaotic, the effects of cloudbusting are controlled by radionic means through the mind of the cloudbuster operator. This is an example of consciousness affecting chaos. The more chaotic a system is, the more easily consciousness can both saturate and influence it. A cloud, or the weather itself, is quite chaotic. Just as a sculptor shapes a figure with his hands, so does a cloudbuster operator shape a cloud with his mind into a state more conducive to formation or dissipation, but not without the help of his tools, of course.

Cloudbusters are no different. Ions do, by evidence of their electrical properties, interact with water droplets in clouds, but it is the consciousness factor that tips the scale of the "butterfly effect" one way or the other, towards a thunderhead with a straight column, or a curved one, for example. Since the mind has a special connection to chaotic systems due to it being intelligent and resultingly unpredictable, the cloudbuster operator's mind can influence the otherwise unpredictable development of clouds without a cloudbuster, but unless he were extremely competent in parapsychological feats, his efforts would be in vain without the help of such a device. It is only through the interface of mind and machine that the average person can achieve the spectacular results of cloudbusting.

Orgone is thus a combination of mind and ion, whose effects range from wholly ionic (blue corona) to entirely psychological (emotional armoring).

Neither pure orgonomy nor pure present day science can comprehensively describe or explain the process of cloudbusting, but a combination of orgonomy, radionics, and science can. Once again, it is consilience through which truth is revealed.

Part II: Macrobusting