For an explanation please read:
Coherence Indicators

(updated 11/4/2021)


  Time in UTC:


Global Consciousness Project Dot



Random Adjective & Noun:



ordinary stack


Hexagram 48: The Well




Current Moon



Sunspots in red box = window of negativity
Reflective of holes in realm boundaries




  solar wind

Solar Wind conditions, 7-Day


  solar wind

Solar Wind conditions, 1-Day





Solar X-Ray Flux Intensity [click to view]

Solar Cycle Progression [click to view]

Planetary K-Index [click to view]



Schumann (Hz) (UTC+7)





Total Electron Count




Radio Blackout




Electric Field Map



  Cosmic Ray Activity

Cosmic Ray Activity

"Research Study Finds Correlation Between Cosmic Ray Intensity and Death Rate"



gray = new moon window, oversensitivity and dissaffection
red = full moon window, overreactivity and crazyness
purple = quarter moon window, minor tension

Read "Food for the Moon"
Download this Calendar to run in your Browser








Total global seismic activity




current weather
Storms in low pressure zones = unstable realm conditions

  current weather


Astrological alignments from
Squares, oppositions = potential friction hor.htm


Astro forecast from


Current planets courtesy of A. Edwall.



Standard Deviation of Planets [PDF]