In 2 Worlds
Anomalous experiences, hidden patterns, and empowerment through common sense.
The Cosmic Switchboard
The official website of James Bartley. Abduction research and interviews.
Jay Campbell
Raise your vibration. Podcast and articles on optimizing Body, Mind, Heart and Soul.
Beyond the Trance
Writings on the various elements of the Global Conspiracy and personal spiritual awakening, with Patrick Herbert.
Eve Lorgen
Author, researcher and consultant in anomalous trauma, alien abductions, occult interference in relationships.
Conscious Works
Alberto Manni's seven online webinar lectures providing tools to start an internal journey of Self-knowledge.
Aria Persei
Articles, videos, and podcasts on inner development, spiritual discernment, and holistic living.
Seeds of Awareness
Spiritual growth, esotericism, embodiment, and conspiracy. Matthew Stephen, author of Free Range Humans.
Signs and Syncs
Assembling the four dimensional puzzle.
The Annointer
Shadow-work teachings and deep psychic readings.
Veil of Reality
The work of Bernhard Guenther.
Astral Dynamics
Robert Bruce's site on astral travel, psychic self defense, and energy body conditioning.
A Balanced Heart: The Key to the Divine Self
Bypassing many spiritual traps via the path of the balanced heart.
Bringers of the Dawn
Interesting book by Marciniak. Good companion to the Cassiopaean and Ra material.
Cassiopaean Transcripts
Among the most insightful and original channelled material ever published. But first read my DISCLAIMER regarding this.
Ellie Crystal's metaphysical and science website with daily updates and a large encyclopedia of esoteric subjects.
Dream Moods
The most comprehensive online dream dictionary.
Huna Teaching Hut
Huna philosophy and spiritual advice, very practical articles worth reading.
Spiritualist and occult periodicals published between the Congress of Vienna and the start of the Second World War.
Reducing karma and the sources of negative actions, speech, and thoughts.
Viktor Frankl, holocaust survivor, developed philosophy of finding meaning in all forms of existence, even the most sordid ones.
Lucid Dreaming
Comprehensive text by Frater Justificatus.
Music for the Care of the Soul
Using ancient greek music for healing.
National Dream Center Database
Read and post the latest precognitive and prophetic dreams.
Ray and Friends
Light work in dark times...concise and enlightening channeled texts, very interesting.
Sabian Symbols
Amazing oracle employing 360 archetypes of wisdom, one for each degree of the zodiac.
Salt Water Remedy
Removing loosely attached negative entities using salt water.
Science of Soulmates
Spiritual aspects of relationships and attraction.
Second Attention
Extracts from the Castaneda material regarding this altered state of consciousness.
Informative site about shamanism with topics including recapitulation, stalking, dreaming, and scrying.
Shopping for Spirit
Thought-provoking articles by Steve Gamble presenting gnostic investigations into metaphysics and the control system.
Simplified NEW Energy Ways
Method for stimulating the subtle body and accumulating energy.
Spirit of Ra
Comprehensive outline of the Law of One philosophy presented by Ra.
Steve Pavlina
Practical articles on personal development.
Stuart Wilde
Interesting and controversial author.
The Code of Chivalry
Applying chivalry in modern times.
Online text of concise and practical hermetic teachings.
The Wave Series
Series of articles detailing the Cassiopaean paradigm regarding the reality shift into fourth density. But first read my DISCLAIMER regarding this.
Above Top Secret
Busy forum for fringe subjects.
Ancient Scripts
Compendium of world-wide writing systems from prehistory to today.
David Icke
Dissecting the Matrix Control System and reptilian manipulation of mankind.
Deadly Silences
The Hurricane Andrew Coverup. Thousands dead, military stacking bodies into refrigerated trucks for who knows what.
Dr Peter Beter
Transcripts of his audio letters, some of which include information about synthetic humans and the replacement of public figures.
Educate Yourself
Informative site on numerous alternative topics.
Deep exploration into the hidden symbolism and synchronistic connection behind astronomical and world events.
Falling Down the Rabbit Hole
The dangers of Transcendental Meditation. Some meditation raises awareness, TM lowers it.
Hamlet's Mill
Online version of this classic about precession of the equinoxes being encoded into mythology. Read in context of hyperdimensional time wars.
Holy Grail as Manna Machine
Ark of the Covenant as a piece of extraterrestrial technology. Points in the right direction.
Places to Intervene in a System
How control systems work, and how to work them.
How propaganda works and how to spot it in action.
Related Images
Bizarre personal experiences with aliens, military abductors, and other strangeness.
Rise Of The Preppers
Fifty of the best prepper websites and blogs on the net.
Signs that Schools are Becoming Prison Camps
Schools are slaughterhouses for the soul.
On Rudolf Steiner's prophecy that a destructive demonic force would be set loose at the turn of the millennium.
The Five Stages of Collapse
Book review of Dmitry Orlov's research into how civilizations collapse.
The Three Occult Purposes of the Fukushima Operation
Three main objectives of the globalization elite.
Wake Up New Zealand
The implications for New Zealand of the globalist agenda.
Alien Love Bite
Eve Lorgen's website with plenty of articles concerning the alien hive mind phenomenon and manipulation of human relationships.
Aliens and Soul Abduction
Australian abductee's personal accounts, grey manipulation, and defense techniques.
Black Projects - Follow the Money
Article by Kerry of Project Camelot on the secret black ops network and their alien-related agenda. Good summary of various conspiracy puzzle pieces.
Branton's Files
Hardcore alien conspiracy website detailing underground bases and the reptilian presence. Contains some embellished facts but makes for fascinating reading.
Grey Aliens: Where are they from?
Good overview on ViewZone.
Hybrid Hypothesis
Evidence that humans are evolutionary hybrids. The author ignores the possibility that we've been hybridized by aliens.
Karla Turner
Online collection of books, articles, and materials by the late Karla Turner about the darker side of alien abductions. Highly important and recommended.
Michael Salla
Excellent collection of articles examining the primary issues and players in exopolitics. Still needs to examine the possibility of hostile aliens pretending to be benevolent.
Praying Mantis Account
Encounter with the insectoid, connection with clicking sounds inside the head.
Reptilian Aliens and Robert Monroe
Remote viewers and Robert Monroe have encountered reptilians. Info on what Monroe found.
Orfeo Angelucci - Secret of the Saucers
Enlightening book by Orfeo Angelucci concerning higher density STO beings.
Secret Space War
Eight part series of articles on aliens, secret shadow government, and the end game. Excellent hardcore conspiracy research.
Orfeo Angelucci - Son of the Sun
Second book by Orfeo Angelucci on higher density STO beings.
The Allies of Humanity
Information about the alien agenda to enslave mankind and how knowledge is the key to self-determination.
The Blue Planet Project
Fascinating report (allegedly by a black-ops scientist) on various alien types, technologies, and agendas.
The Jinn
Regarding the hyperdimensional trickster nature of some aliens.
The Legacy of Barbara Bartholic
Summary of Bartholic's investigation into MILABs, reptilians, alien abductions, and more. She was friends with Karla Turner.
The Matrix Revealed - Book 1
First ebook by Truman Cash. Alien agenda exposed by contactees/abductees using past life therapy.
The Matrix Revealed - Book 2
Second ebook by Truman Cash. Alien agenda exposed by contactees/abductees using past life therapy.
Top Secret / Demon
Essay by the Nexus Seven detailing the variables and risks involved in the alien-human standoff.
UFO Evidence
Articles on a large variety of evidence that UFOs and aliens are real and present on earth.
UFOs in the Gulf Breeze-Pensacola Area
Account by contactee of encounters with Nordics since 1955, and the Gray agenda.
Vril Society
Discussion on the forerunners of the Nazi occult movement and their alien connections.
About Gurdjieff
More detailed information about Gurdjieff.
Astral Dreamscape Manipulation
James Bartley explains how our dreams can be manipulated toward negative ends.
Banquet for the Moon
What Gurdjieff meant by us being food for the moon.
Cosmogony and Cosmology
Essay by PKD on the underlying nature of our matrix existence.
Event Horizon Chronicle
Richard Sauder's blog on end-times events and what's really going on with reality.
Free Your Brain
Half-schizophrenic site that manages to hit close to the truth. Discusses synchronistic linguistics.
Glitch in the Matrix Stories
Tons of annecdotes by Reddit readers about strangeness with reality.
Hidden Experience
Fascinating posts on fringe topics, audio interviews with alternative researchers, and more.
Human Spontaneous Involuntary Invisibility
History and cases of people finding themselves invisible for a period of time.
Major Principles of Gnostic Revelation
Excerpt from _Exegesis_ summarizing Gnostic Christianity in ten points.
Gnostic and esoteric studies in transcending the matrix.
Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Describing the more controlling and pompous variety of organic portals and dysfunctional people.
Out of the Matrix
Probable Future's page on the Matrix, containing remotely viewed data regarding our 3D prison.
Psychic Vampires
Techniques to defeat psychic vampirism.
Reality Shifters
Reality creation and glitches indicating time is nonlinear.
Shadow People Archives
Hundreds of anecdotes about dark or cloaked humanoid figures.
Sky Fish
Theory that large parasitic amoebas, visible only on infrared film, are feeding on us.
The 33 Arks
Essay by the Nexus Seven about the quantum nature of reality in regards to the upcoming timeline bifurcation and dimensional transition event.
The Advent of Ahriman
The hidden forces behind world crisis. Analyzes Rudolf Steiner's description of Ahriman, the force of cold entropic intelligence, and the possibility that Ahriman could incarnate into the computer grid as malevolent AI.
The Predator of Man
Short article correlating what the Cassiopaean material and Castaneda material say about mankind being food for nonphysical creatures.
The Simulation Argument
Are you living in a simulation?
The Successful Psychopath
Info on psychopaths.
American Antigravity
Antigravity and field-effect propulsion research, news, and video for aircraft and space applications.
Astronomy Notes
Useful articles for the layman on relativity and astronomy. Includes explanation of astronomical coordinate systems.
Bill Beatty's Weird Science
Pages detailing the construction of unusual devices.
Biological Transmutations
Alchemical processes in nature, physical theory behind alchemy, research by Louis Kervran.
Dwellings of the Philosophers
Fulcanelli's book on alchemy.
Promising theory regarding the link between gravity, electricity, and magnetism.
Etheric Rain Engineering
Trevor Constable’s work regarding weather engineering using advancements upon Reich’s original cloudbusting research.
How alchemist Fulcanelli achieved transcendence of time and space.
JLN Labs
Jean Naudin’s homepage with numerous experiments in unconventional propulsion and energy generation.
Legacy of Marcel Vogel
Crystal researcher who discovered how to manufacture and harness crystals for propulsion and healing.
MEG Generator
Claimed overunity generator. Similar to an Ecklin device but solid state.
New Wave Mechanics
Gravity and many other physics phenomena as perturbations in an optical medium.
Nu Energy Horizons
Unconventional energy technologies harnessing ionizing and nonionizing radiation for electricity.
Public Orgonomic Research Exchange
Research papers and articles on Wilhelm Reich and orgonomy.
Rex Research
Online archive of suppressed inventions.
Scalar Physics Research Center
Upcoming collection of real information on scalar physics.
Scalar Wars
Implications of scalar weaponry as described by Tom Bearden.
Street Light Interference
Numerous accounts of people who cause interference with electrical devices.
The Avalon Foundation
Experiments into antigravity and paranormal phenomena.
Crash Course in Jewish History
Course in official Jewish history, according to Biblical, oral, and other mainstream sources.
Draco, the Late Roman military standard
The use of dragon-shaped windsocks as standards ridden into battle.
Giza Complex Construction Date
Survey of sources on the true age of the Great Pyramid.
Humans of the Sahara 7,000 Years Ago
Hints at the origin of the ancient white Libyans who migrated east and built the Great Pyramid.
Midrash on the Exodus
Detailed account of the Exodus pharaohs conforms to Egyptian archeology of the Old Kingdom.
Minoans were Caucasian
DNA debunks longstanding theory that Europe's first advanced culture was from Africa.
Nuristani People
The blue and green eyed people of Pakistan and Afghanistan. Remnants of an older civilization.
Shamir Stone
The mysterious cutting stone possessed by King Solomon, an example of demiurgic tech.
Phoenicians and Hittites
Were the Phoenicians related to the Hittites? Further connections to Anatolia (Turkey).
Physical Anthropology of the Hebrew Peoples
Prevalence of non-Semitic people in the northern kingdom of Israel, where Baalbek, the tribe of Dan, and the Phoenicians resided.
The Dawn of Aquarius
On Slavs being the progenitors of the future human race.
The Great Circle
How ancient sites align along a great circle on Earth, whose center point is where the north pole used to be over 80,000 years ago.
Velikovsky Collected Essays
Articles on fringe history by Immanuel Velikovsky. Some good connections, but his dating is totally off, as Hatshepsut/Solomon should be circa 1500 B.C.
Above Top Secret
Large "mainstream" forum on conspiracies, ufology, alien agendas.
IRC #noblerealms
Chat room for readers.
Noble Realms
Archive of my fringe research forum from 2004-2008.
Project Avalon
All things fringe.
The Astral Pulse
Astral projection, psychic experiences, lucid dreaming.
Being a Whole Human
Being a whole human is a way of awareness, balance, presence and peace. It is living in the abundance and fulfillment of communion with the whole of existence (the Now) in the midst of every action.
Common Sense Conspiracy
We filter through the bullshit so you don't have to!
Hermetic Vision
Hermetic Shamanism and Philosophy concerning the Occult Foundations of the Universal Virtual Reality Game. Advanced Esoteric Materials, Products & Services.
La Incubación Solar
Porque si alegre es la fuente que se alza al Sol, el agua nace en pozos de dolor insondable en los cimientos de la Tierra
Luna Helia
Useful stuff to know.
Mountain Well-Being
High quality colloidal silver and colloidal gold products.
OffPlanet Radio
Internet radio shows on spirituality, UFOs, ETs, paranormal, and fringe science topics.
Rainbow Phoenix
Rainbow Phoenix is the website of Will Berlinghof and Callista Summerfield-Berlinghof. Will is the channel for that force of consciousness that calls Itself Cosmic Awareness which seeks to guide humanity at this critical time towards personal spiritual understanding and evolution into higher states of consciousness
Dr. Randall George Nozawa
Diverse strategies that will radically transform your life to the one that you would most love to live
Spirit Being Life
Creating blissful realities. Quest for freedom and truth.
The Conspiracy Zone
Blog providing information about the new
world order and other conspiracies.
The Pyramid Center
Astrotheology, occult theology, spiritual nexus, alternative knowledge & spirituality groups.
Transform the Illusion
Transform the Illusion is all about alternative health, cover ups, suppressed science, spirituality and the matrix control system.
Wes Penre Papers
In-depth articles on fringe subjects, the nature of reality, reincarnation, dark forces, aliens, and more.