Ark of the Covenant (Abridged)
This is a condensed version of Gnosis Part 4: Ark of the Covenant
Like the Grail, the Ark of the Covenant was an object endowed with supernatural powers. The Ark is described in the Bible as a large wooden chest on carrying poles, gilded inside and out with gold, and having a solid gold lid surmounted by two golden winged figures.
The Ark remains the most sacred artifact of the Jews despite their losing it long ago. Without it, their ancestors would not have overcome certain obstacles, vanquished their enemies, received guidance from it, or prospered into the eventual nation of Israel. Therefore the entire Judeo-Christian paradigm owes its existence to the Ark of the Covenant.
Is the Bible’s descriptions of the Ark accurate? Well, the Old Testament is a fictional story pieced together from separate historical episodes. Isolated parts are true within their original contexts, but they may be out of order, superimposed, embellished, or borrowed from other cultures. Here are some examples:
- The story of Moses being drawn from a river comes from an Akkadian legend pertaining to the genesis of their king, Sargon the Great. The Akkadians may have actually been the Hyksos, who reigned in Egypt from 1628 to 1550 B.C. When the Hyksos were expelled from Egypt, they resettled in Canaan and their descendants became Israel.
- The two pharaohs of the Exodus were Pepi II and Merenre II circa 2200 B.C. They were the last pharaohs of the Old Kingdom of Egypt. This is almost a thousand years before conventional Biblical chronology places the Exodus.
- The cataclysm that ended the Old Kingdom and killed Merenre II in the “place of the whirlpool” occurred around 2190 B.C. and was an early contributor to the stories of Passover, the Ten Plagues, and the Parting of the Sea of Reeds.
- In 1628 B.C., the Mediterranean super-volcano of Thera exploded, forcing migrations out of Egypt and inspiring further additions to the stories of Exodus, particularly the Israelites seeing a pillar of cloud and fire before and later behind their wandering procession.
- The Semitic Hyksos were purged from Egypt in 1550 B.C. after being paid off in large sums of gold and silver to leave. From this derives the story of the Israelites being given gold, silver, clothing, and jewels by the Egyptians in preparation for their exodus. The walls of Jericho fell around 1550 B.C. according to archeological dating, suggesting the Ark of the Covenant was en route to Canaan by that point.
- The historical King Solomon lived in north-central Canaan in the decades following the Hyksos expulsion from Egypt. According to classical historian Flavius Josephus, the Hyksos founded Jerusalem.
- The historical Temple of Solomon was built around 1500 B.C. along with the megalithic temple complex at Baalbek located in modern day Lebanon. Both were constructed by the Phoenicians using advanced technology; they were familiar with the Ark of the Covenant.
- Queen Hatshepsut (1508–1458 BC) was contemporary with the historical King Solomon and may have held personal relations with him, the Phoenicians, and the Mitanni. Some believe she was Queen Sheba of the Bible.
- After Hatsepshut died, her nephew and successor Thuthmose III waged military campaigns into northern Canaan and sacked Solomon’s Temple just four decades after it was built. He then defaced Hatshepsut’s statues and attempted to erase her from history. Thuthmose III was the historical basis for the Biblical pharaoh Shishak.
- Pharaoh Akhenaten (reigned 1353 – 1336 B.C.) imposed a tyrannical form of monotheism upon Egypt. At the end of his infamous reign, traditionalists who had remained loyal to the old ways attempted to cleanse Egypt of Akhenaten’s influence. One of Akhenaten’s devoted followers, a high priest named Osarseph, resisted this by leading an uprising against the Egyptian traditionalists. The uprising failed, and he was forced to flee Egypt with his followers. Osarseph became the historical model for the Biblical Moses. They fled to Canaan and integrated with the descendants of earlier Egyptian exiles.
Despite being an invented narrative overall, the Old Testament still contains factual portions. Hence we can confidently glean from scripture the technical capabilities of the Ark of the Covenant, since these derive from actual historical events. What follows is a list of key aspects of the Ark and my interpretations of them.
Ark: Etheric and Electric Fields
The Ark is infamous for its deadly energy discharges. Those unqualified to touch, approach, or even look at the Ark would be struck dead. In attempting to explain this, others have noted that the gilded wooden box resembles a capacitor, something that stores electric charge. Since the Ark could accumulate and store high voltage electricity, some conclude the Ark was nothing more than a big capacitor. A large enough capacitor can indeed electrocute a person, but according to my calculations, the capacitance of the Ark is too small to do so. There is no way a wood-based capacitor by itself can accumulate enough power to kill a crowd, let alone surround itself with a glowing energy field and perform the more miraculous feats ascribed to it.
While the Ark may be a capacitor, that is only a small aspect of its total function. For instance, its construction resembles that of an orgone accumulator, a device invented by Wilhelm Reich to concentrate etheric energy. One has to go beyond regular physics to understand it. The Ark alone cannot do what the Bible says it can, at least not according to conventional science. High demiurgic technology, however, explains everything.
Since it was a chest with a lid, the Ark presumably carried something, and that object may have been responsible for its purported powers. The Bible says that the first item it carried was the stone tablet that Moses brought out from Mount Sinai. This fictional story has elements of truth, namely that a stone-like object was retrieved and placed in the Ark, after which it brimmed with energy. Therefore the Ark served more as the housing for a mysterious object placed inside. From this point on, when I refer to the Ark, I mean the Ark with this power source installed.
When it was being transported, it was thoroughly wrapped in shielding material and its carriers were forbidden from touching or looking directly at it. This indicates the Ark radiated a dangerous energy. When encamped, it was kept inside a structure known as the Tabernacle. The Tabernacle was a portable tent system designed to safely contain and surround the Ark. The first tent around the Ark was made of flax linen, the second of woven goat hair, third and fourth of dyed animal skins. This great redundancy in layer upon layer appears to be additional shielding. And shielding is only necessary if the Ark were putting out an intense energy field.
The choice of construction materials is significant. Flax fiber has a spiral crystalline structure. Hair and wool strands are nonlinear dielectrics, making them excellent attenuators of scalar waves. Baron von Reichenbach found through extensive experimentation that wool had the ability to attenuate etheric energy, the same way metal shielding attenuates electromagnetic waves.
Copper, silver, and gold were the only metals used in constructing the Ark and the Tabernacle. Iron was strictly forbidden. Folklore says that fairies and other supernatural beings have an aversion to iron. It seems that iron has undesirable effects upon etheric entities and technologies. Therefore we can infer that ferromagnetic materials interfered with the Ark’s operation, save iron-containing blood that played an important role in its function.
From the above, we can already see that the Ark’s operation included both etheric and electric elements. We are dealing with demiurgic technology here, not human technology.
Ark: Vortical Plasmic Intelligence
The Ark was surrounded by a luminous cloud known as the “Glory of the Lord” or “Shekhina,” the latter being a Hebrew term literally meaning the dwelling, settling, or presence of the Lord. It would seem that the Shekhina is just an electrical corona emanating from the golden winged figures, however the Shekhina was mobile and independent of the Ark. For instance, the Shekhina accompanied the Biblical Hebrews out of Egypt even before the Ark was built. It led them as a pillar of cloud by day and fire by night as they crossed the desert. It settled itself on Mount Sinai. It appeared in the desert when food was about to manifest from the heavens. Even after the Ark was built, the Shekhina could leave it and freely travel about of its own volition.
The Shekhina is described as looking like a “pillar of cloud” during daylight, suggesting condensation of water vapor into a visible tornado-like structure. This makes sense because, according to Wilhelm Reich, sufficiently dense orgone energy causes water vapor condensation. At night it glowed like a “pillar of fire” possibly indicating it was a fiery plasma. A very dense etheric energy field accounts for both the condensation of water vapor into visible mist and the glowing field of ionized gas. When kept in an enclosed shielded place like the inner Tabernacle tent or inner chamber of Solomon’s Temple, the Shekhina would fill the space like a luminous fog.
Solomon’s Temple was built to house the Ark permanently. Like the Tabernacle, the Ark rested within the Temple’s central chamber surrounded by numerous shielding walls. The energy field diffused and filled the space surrounding the Ark, creating a glowing atmosphere testifying to the power residing in Solomon’s Temple. This first temple was eventually destroyed and the Ark went missing. The second Temple of Solomon completed in 516 BC lacked both the Ark and its Shekhina. While the people rejoiced that their temple was back, the priests lamented because they knew it was missing the most critical component.
Note that all these characteristics don’t support the notion that the pillar of fire and cloud was an alien spaceship. It’s something else. That the Shekhina could localize upon the lid of the Ark and give messages or travel about freely suggests that it possessed intelligence and volition. Enough so that the Hebrews were convinced it really was their Lord dwelling in their midst.
Ark: Water Influencer
When the Hebrews fled Egypt under pursuit by the Egyptian army, the “Lord” went ahead of them and parted the Sea of Reeds so that they could cross. Water piled up into vertical walls and allowed passage over dry ground as though a solid force field had materialized left, right, and underneath them. The waters literally congealed beneath their feet and kept them dry. Later the Ark was used to part the Jordan River. Levite priests carried the Ark into the river, causing water to pile up on both sides some distance away and allowing the Israelites to once again cross over what they perceived as dry ground. When the priests carried the Ark to the other side, the river resumed course.
Mere weather or seismic explanations don’t account for this. Note also that while the water was pushed away, the people crossing were not; therefore it wasn’t just an outwardly blowing antigravitational field but something acting selectively on just water. Either the powered Ark created a shell-like force field or else it had direct control over water itself.
In another curious detail, cast metal basins were installed both in the Tabernacle and in Solomon’s Temple. In the Tabernacle it was a smaller bronze basin filled with water, said to be for washing. It was kept between the inner tent and a sacrificial altar in the courtyard where the Shekhina could pass over it. In Solomon’s Temple the basin was circular, fifteen feet in diameter and almost eight feet high. Presumably it was also filled with water, but something that large and deep excludes a basin solely for washing. Therefore one could speculate that the Shekhina had an affinity for water and the basins served a functional purpose toward that end. Wilhelm Reich wrote about the great affinity that orgone and water have for each other. A circular basin like that at Solomon’s Temple is the optimal shape for a whirlpool, and water scientist Viktor Schauberger indicated that whirlpools infuse water with etheric lifeforce energy.
Ark: Soul Frequency Selectivity
The Ark was selective with what effects it had upon whom. Those who possessed a high degree of etheric and astral integrity and obeyed protocol were left unharmed. This included the Levite Priests in charge of operating the Ark. Those who disobeyed protocol or were spiritually tarnished were struck dead or afflicted with sores, boils, and other symptoms of biological disintegration mimicking leprosy.
When the Philistines captured the Ark, wherever they moved it among their territories there broke out death, boils and in one case an outbreak of mice. This illustrates what happens when the Ark is brought in the midst of those who have not been sufficiently trained and purified. It seems to amplify and bring into outward manifestation the quality of their psychic energy, which in the case of decadence could manifest boils and mice. This is in contrast to the Ark’s enriching influence when stationed in Biblical Jerusalem.
Not only did the Levites have to wear special clothing and follow certain safety protocol, they also had to be of sufficient spiritual purity. Likewise the Grail would only let itself be cared for by a woman of perfect chastity and purity. It wasn’t enough to simply practice electrical safety because the Ark wasn’t just a high voltage device, but a Demiurgic one that translated astral/spiritual qualities into physical manifestation.
Ark: Manifesting Food
When the Israelites ran out of food while crossing the desert to Canaan, the Shekhina manifested food for them. It covered their camp with quail birds to provide meat in the evening, and coated the bare ground with dew that turned into edible granules called manna. Manna ceased to fall once the Israelites arrived in an area and ate its grain. This shows it was not a natural phenomenon, but that there was intelligence behind it. The appearance of manna was cyclical, with twice the quantity raining down on the sixth day of the week and none on Sabbath, which was a holy day of rest and worship. If true, this suggests the Ark was being operated by someone who obeyed the weekly Sabbath system, thereby implying that one or a few operators manifested food for the entire camp. Contrast this with the story told in Parzival, where the Grail Stone manifested food and drink according to the visualized desires of each knight who held his empty plate and cup before it.
If this account is taken literally, then the Shekhina had the power to manifest or attract particular animals, like quail in this case. When the Philistines captured the Ark, a plague of mice broke out in one city where it was stationed, thus another case of specific animals being manifested or attracted. And according to Jewish oral tradition, King Solomon had the power to draw specific wild animals to his Temple because he knew their “names.” A name in this context is a type of word unique to a thing, basically its spiritual archetype, astral signature, or Logoic template.
Ark: Loosh Transducer
In Robert Monroe’s book Far Journeys, “loosh” is defined as a metaphysical energy that ranges from the crudest etheric energy produced by plants to the most refined astral energy produced via human love and suffering. Loosh is equivalent to demiurgic energy.
It appears the Ark of the Covenant was powered, triggered, or catalyzed by externally supplied loosh. One example being the profuse level of animal sacrifices that the Israelites performed before the Ark in order to please their Lord. Another example being King David dancing half-naked before the Ark after its homecoming from Philistine capture.
David dancing before the Ark has stumped many. But as evidenced by Native American rain dances, the technical dances of the Sufis, or Rudolf Steiner’s Eurythmy, dance is a motional ritual that is highly active on an occult level and generates specific patterns of energies. The more intense the dance, the greater the energy output.
Animal sacrifices are convenient loosh sources. Slaughter liberates astral energies via the emotional experience of dying, while fat and blood provide rich sources of etheric energy. Levite priests sprinkled animal blood against the Tabernacle altar on all sides and burned the fatty carcass upon it, which would entice the Shekhina to exit the tent and consume the remains.
The Jewish practice of ritual slaughter is known as Shekhita. It involves precise cutting of the animal’s throat to ensure a calm but conscious death. Afterwards, the animal is fully drained of its blood. Interestingly, cows and bulls are the main targets of cattle mutilations. They are killed while fully conscious and later found completely drained of blood.
The Egyptian word for bull is “Ka” which is identically the Egyptian name for lifeforce energy. This suggests lifeforce was the primary concept associated with bulls. Ka is said to determine one’s destiny, habits, and vitality. It’s clear that Ka translates to etheric body. Hence the Egyptians sacrificed bulls, possibly to harvest loosh.
Whereas the ancients resorted to animal sacrifice and other crude means to activate the Ark, the Grail knights merely maintained a state of spiritual transcendence to activate the Grail stone by thought alone. The Grail knights were burning with a Christ energy, not in a religious sense, but in the sense of their being vessels for the positive personification of the divine Logos. In other words, they were connected to the highest, purest, most vibrationally elevated loosh source in existence — the face of God.
Those who cannot tap into this higher energy/intelligence must resort to lesser methods and sources to trigger their desired demiurgic effects. These include ritual, dance, sexual energy, animal sacrifice, and human sacrifice. When loosh cannot be tapped from an infinite source, cruder grades must be harvested from finite sources; the Israelite and Egyptian use of animal sacrifice illustrates this.
Ark: Sound and Pyramid Connection
Sound consistently accompanies the Ark’s operation and effects.
One example is the fall of Jericho, where the Israelites were instructed how to breach the walls. They were to march around the city for six days carrying the Ark, and on the seventh day the priests would blow trumpets in unison with everyone shouting. This caused the walls of Jericho to crumble, allowing the Israelites (actually the Hyksos exiles) to enter and slaughter every living being in the city.
Another example is the sound associated with the Shekhina’s activities on Mount Sinai. The trembling mountain was covered with smoke as a trumpet sound grew louder and louder.
There are other examples of shouting, music, and trumpet blasts being present during Ark and Shekhina activities. It seems that sound, like loosh, played an important role. Frequency and amplitude are the main variables defining a sound. That volume is emphasized in the above accounts suggests that the Ark translated sonic energy into something else in proportion to its intensity, and vice versa.
In Tempest and Exodus, Ralph Ellis makes a convincing case that Mount Sinai of the Bible was actually the Great Pyramid. For instance, Mount Sinai is traditionally described as the tallest of three mountains, each of which contained deep “caves.” Moses was commanded to go into Mount Sinai. It was named for the sharpness of its peak and infamous for the steepness of its sides. The base of Mount Sinai was encircled by armed guards, which is unfeasible for an actual mountain, but not the Great Pyramid. If true, it would be one among many indicators that the Ark had something to do with the Great Pyramid. When Moses emerged from Mount Sinai, he descended with the stone “tablet”, which he subsequently placed into the Ark. Hence the Ark’s power source was retrieved from within the Great Pyramid.
The Great Pyramid today is a gutted machine with all its active components missing. Christopher Dunn, author of The Giza Power Plant, has investigated the original function o the Great Pyramid. According to Dunn, the Pyramid’s function depended on several critical aspects:
1) the Queen’s Chamber into which chemicals were dumped to produce hydrogen gas,
2) the Grand Gallery serving as a sound production and amplification chamber via its hypothesized network of acoustic resonators
3) the antechamber with its movable vertical stone slabs that could fine tune the sound coming from the Grand Gallery,
4) the King’s Chamber where sonic energy was focused to vibrate the granite stones in order to piezoelectrically produce electromagnetic waves that energized the hydrogen gas filling these chambers.

If you look carefully at the Grand Gallery and the antechamber according to Dunn’s description, you will see that they respectively mimic the human larynx and tongue, teeth, and lips. If the Grand Gallery produced sound, it might have been through a collection of installed tuning forks and resonators that converted their vibrations into a loud and focused beam aimed toward the King’s Chamber. This mass of sound enters the antechamber and is modulated by the series of adjustable granite gates. In other words, the Great Pyramid functioned as a vowel resonator. Thus a vowel sound would have been pumped with great intensity into the King’s Chamber.
In the King’s Chamber, there is a granite chest whose dimensions are similar but not identical to those of the Ark of the Covenant. It’s been proposed that the Ark slid into this chest, but considering the narrow entrance to the room it’s more likely that the smaller stone-like power source was placed there, with the Pyramid itself serving as the original Ark/Tabernacle/Temple. Moses bringing back the stone from inside “Mount Sinai” supports this.
One may imagine the “Ark Stone” being stationed in the King’s Chamber and saturating the connecting spaces with its luminous energy field. Plasma is ionized gas, and if the chambers were filled with pure hydrogen as Dunn proposes, then it would have been a hydrogen plasma. The entire vowel resonator may have been filled with hydrogen plasma through which tunable sound was pumped from the Grand Gallery through the formant-synthesizing antechamber. And when you pump sound waves through a charged plasma, the result is longitudinal electromagnetic waves, which are identically time, gravity, or etheric energy waves.
Ark: Physical Terrain Transformer
Jewish oral tradition ascribes several additional powers to the Ark not mentioned in the Old Testament:
1) as it was being carried by the Israelite vanguard, the Ark cleared the path of scorpions and snakes via a burning ray issuing forth from the Mercy Seat,
2) the Levites carrying it would also be carried by it, meaning levitation.
3) the Ark could level hills and mountains in the way.
The third claim that the Ark could alter geography and terrain seems tenuous, but there are a few potential points of correlation:
First is that the Nile River may have been intelligently engineered, as explained by Goro Adachi in his book “The Time Rivers.” The features, proportions, alignments, lengths, bends, etc… of the Nile are too synchronous to be mere natural formations. However, something so large cannot be created through physical digging as with the Panama Canal. Adachi doesn’t explain who did it, but they must have possessed the god-like power to directly transform geography.
Second point of correlation is the Glastonbury Zodiac, a circular collection of zodiac images spanning ten miles in diameter, impressed upon the landscape of the Isle of Avalon where legend says the Grail was once kept. The zodiac images are made of streams, dykes, roads, and other landscape features. The center of the zodiac is the famous Glastonbury Tor, a stone tower built on a sacred hill.
Third is the French town of Rennes-le-Château. Like the Glastonbury Zodiac, the position of landscape features and markers including mountain tops and churches trace out a meaningful pattern, the pentagram in this case. Rennes-le-Château is famous for its association with secret Templar activities and later the priest Saunière who struck it rich after discovering secret documents pertaining to Templar treasure or perhaps a method for making the Philosopher’s Stone.
These alleged landscape geometries include some features not placeable by human hands. While they bear enough ambiguity to support the skeptical view that people are just reading too much into things, they also display enough order and improbability to look like“graffiti tagging” by some hyper-dimensional intelligence. Seems like everything deeply connected to the Grail, Ark, and Philosopher’s Stone bears the fingerprint of intelligent design or synchronistic orchestration, down to the prophetic codes in the Torah and Hebrew system of gematria.
What all of these environmental geometries have in common is that they seem synchronistically rather than mechanically formed. So instead of the Moon being towed in via tractor beams, or the Nile River being dug with antigravity bulldozers, it may have originated through intelligently guided or selected natural evolution via intentional probability biasing. Thus these geometries seem both natural and unnatural at the same time. Natural enough to please the skeptics, unnatural enough to convince the believers. The religious might just call it the handiwork of God, but it’s not that simple. I’ll talk more about this later when I get into the timewar idea, and how high demiurgic technology is capable of reality reconfiguration and timeline selection. For now I just want to mention that the Ark may very well have leveled hills and mountains, and that this isn’t without a supporting context.
Putting it All Together
I began this series by explaining the nature of the Demiurge, the universal intelligence responsible for shaping physical reality according to given archetypes. Its etheric aspect biases probability at the quantum level while the astral component carries the archetypal signature that directs that biasing. Together, etheric and astral energies may be called “demiurgic energies” because they have the power to intelligently alter matter, energy, space, and time — precisely the function of the Demiurge.
Demiurgic technology makes use of these energies to affect the physical universe. One example is the Philosopher’s Stone, a saline substance impregnated with dense etheric energies and tinged with the astral signature of gold, thereby being capable of transmuting lead or mercury into gold by reconfiguring their atoms at the quantum level in accordance with that signature.
By logically extending the principles of the Demiurge and Philosopher’s Stone, I can also explain the purported characteristics of the Holy Grail and Ark of the Covenant. The latter are higher applications of demiurgic technology.
The central tenet of Alchemy is to imitate nature, not only the mineral aspect upon which all of modern science is fixated, but also the biological and spiritual aspects. In producing the Philosopher’s Stone, Alchemy is imitating the process of mineral-to-plant evolution. Notice that the Philosopher’s Stone is primarily a combination of physical and etheric bodies, with only the slightest astral component to impart a specific “flavor” to its transmutative power. Unlike ordinary minerals, it possesses lifeforce by virtue of its greater intrinsic etheric energy. This places it above the rank of chemicals and closer to the vegetable kingdom. Both plants and the Philosopher’s Stone have physical and etheric bodies but not much of an astral body. Just like a plant, the Stone is passive and immobile.
What separates animals from plants is that their physical bodies are more complex, their etheric bodies more intense and developed, and that they have an actively functioning astral body. The animal level is where sentience and volition begins, where the first semblance of independence develops. The more complex physical body is what allows a higher order of life to inhabit it. If Alchemy were more refined, it could mimic this process of plant-to-animal evolution and take the Philosopher’s Stone beyond the vegetative level. Then the physical body of the Stone would be more ordered and perhaps crystalline, its etheric body would likewise have to be greatly intensified, and an actively functioning astral body would develop.
What separates humans from animals is that, on average, humans have egos and personalities that allow them to be independent reasoning individuals. As explained in my first article, the ego is a higher order structure that develops in the soul due to the more sophisticated environmental programming made possible via a more evolved body. Likewise, if Alchemy were taken to an even higher level, it could produce something that not only has an etheric and astral body, but possesses an independent sentient intelligence residing therein.
The above can also be explained from the perspective of thoughtforms. The most basic thoughtforms are just passive etheric energy constructs comparable to sponges or fungi. The more developed ones have an astral body as well, and like animals they are hungry critters; astral succubi are an example. But the most evolved thoughtforms possess ego and personality.
Not only does demiurgic technology make use of etheric and astral energies, but it also creates artificial physical bodies to house any order of soul or thoughtform, from the lowliest etheric constructs to the highest individualized intelligences. This technology is alien; I can see it being used nowadays in Grey worker drones and alien spacecrafts, whereby the physical vehicle is made autonomous by a resident etheric/astral thoughtform, a literal ghost in the machine.
What is the Grail Stone, what is the Ark Stone? My current theory is that it’s an advanced crystalline object housing an equally advanced thoughtform; and not just any thoughtform, but an entitized one. The Ark and Grail Stones are the pinnacles of High Demiurgic Technology, at least of what has fallen into human hands. The entitization is what makes it oracular and volitional. The intensified etheric field is what produces the various electromagnetic emissions. External etheric, astral, and archetypal inputs modify its behavior. The probability-biasing effects of its etheric field can grow so intense that physical matter may precipitate according to the entered archetypes and energies.
The Ark of the Covenant, as described in the Old Testament, ought to consist of the following components: 1) the Ark Stone as the physical body, 2) the Great Pyramid, Ark box, Tabernacle, and Temple of Solomon as housing for the body, 3) the vortical Shekhina as the soul (etheric and astral bodies), and 4) Yahweh, the Lord of the Israelites, as the residing ego.
In summary, the Ark Stone is a physical matrix possessed by a powerful entitized thoughtform created or invoked according to the priest’s instructions. The Stone itself pre-existed the Jews, but for a time it was in their possession and they came under its control. If it seems belittling to call Yahweh a thoughtform, bear in mind that the universal Demiurge is a thoughtform also, and so are our own souls. Thoughtforms are not always insignificant things. The bigger question is whether the Demiurge, thoughtform, or soul in question is subordinate to Spirit/Creator or acting independently out of selfish motives. If the latter, then it exists only to perpetuate its own survival and carry out its prime directive through energy feeding and manipulation. Hence in my first article, I talked about the corruption of the Demiurge and how its development of a lower ego divorced it from the harmony of Creation, turning it into a World Parasite. Gnostics equated Yahweh to the corrupted Demiurge.
In the next article I will discuss how the misuse of High Demiurgic Technology explains why the entitized intelligences communicating through the Ark and Grail were so unlike in their temperaments and goals, and what this means for our future. I will also get into the origins of the Grail and its role as a fulcrum in a grand chess game spanning ancient feuds to future timewars.
Further Reading
Opening the Ark of the Covenant (New Page Books, 2007) – by Frank Joseph and Laura Beaudoin. Traces the history of the Ark and Grail from ancient to modern times. I recommend this book for the broad spectrum of historical data it provides, but not for the lines of reasoning or conclusions that follow from that data. But this book does give a comprehensive overview of research leads to follow.
The Sign and the Seal (Simon & Schuster, 1992) – by Graham Hancock. Like the above book, I value this one for the historical data more than the conclusions. Hancock believes the Ark resides in Ethiopia, however as reported on Viewzone, a story inscribed on ruins dating from the 15th-16th century B.C. mentions a duplicate of the Ark being sent into Ethiopia as a decoy while the real one was hidden away, so a good portion of Hancock’s research may have been tracing the history of this decoy. Still, Hancock does a good job of drawing upon obscure sources to paint a detailed picture of the alleged powers of the original Ark.