Discerning Alien Disinformation: Part 4

Deciphering the Core Deception
The greatest strength of disinformation is also its greatest weakness. That it can reach so many means it cannot reach everyone. Since its audience has limited intelligence and attention span, the message must be dumbed down to meet its mark. That makes it conspicuous to anyone with a more discerning eye. For a message to be so clever as to deceive even the most discerning, it would necessarily be so subtle and complex as to fly right over the heads of its intended audience. Disinformation packaged for a popular alternative radio show, for example, would capture the minds of a good majority of the audience, but it would be so simplistic that listeners in the discerning minority would roll their eyes. Good disinformation must be sufficiently sophisticated to minimize into irrelevance the discerning minority, while keeping it simple enough to appeal to the required majority.
Disinformation originates with intent to advance an agenda, so it can be reverse-engineered to reveal that agenda. By analyzing enough alien disinformation one can logically deduce the alien agenda. Alternatively, one can hypothesize what the agenda might be and then check whether different sources bearing the traits of disinformation are consistent with that hypothesis.
In my decades of studying the subject, what emerged was a distinct pattern of disinformation woven throughout numerous sources ranging from the academic to mystical publications. For convenience I will call this pattern the “Core Deception.” It consists of half-truths split up among seemingly independent sources but sharing a common direction of persuasion. Often the same falsehoods were framed differently to appeal to certain audiences.
The “Core Deception” contains the following key elements:
- Encouraging suspension of discernment
- Misapplying spiritual principles
- Spinning the unavoidable facts
- Framing alien interference in divine light or destiny
- Threatening with consequences of not cooperating
- Enticing through promises and rewards
- Taking naive assumptions toward false conclusions
- Manipulating emotions through euphemisms and dysphemisms
- Debasing humanity
- Scapegoating corrupt human leadership
- Securing amnesty for corrupt human leadership
- Glorifying the alien image and appealing to sympathy
- Coercing individual and collective consent
- Demanding unification and integration of humans with aliens
- Limiting awareness of hyperdimensional reality
- Offering false dichotomies through role swapping
What follows is a deeper exploration of these elements. Real examples are paraphrased from the literature together with my commentary and analysis. Remember that these examples exist out there right now and are actively shaping public opinion toward holding a certain view of the alien presence. Compare the picture pushed by the Core Deception to the one being presented in this book and decide for yourself which is more comprehensive, true to experience, logical, and realistic.
[If you are short on time, you may skip to Part 5 ]
Elements of the Core Deception
1. Encouraging suspension of discernment
We cannot judge aliens as bad if we ourselves have problems.
This statement portrays discernment as a hypocritical act of moral judgment, then discourages discernment by suggesting we should avoid hypocrisy by not pointing fingers in the first place. It presents a false choice between scrutinizing either aliens or humans while ignoring the other. Instead, we need to objectively examine both for problems. Maybe some human problems are related to alien ones, as when aliens are involved in unethical behavioral modification of human targets.
It would be hypocritical to cry foul about what negative aliens do to humans since humans themselves eat, abuse, and experiment upon animals.
As mentioned, the injustices committed by both humans and aliens should be brought to light, but let’s keep in mind that one wrong does not justify another, nor does the elimination of one wrong eliminate another. Even if all humans were to become vegans, the purported trend of certain aliens eating humans would continue. It is not just rapists who are abducted and raped, or meat lovers who are taken and eaten, or cattle ranchers who make up the population of implanted and domesticated abductees. It is more a case of animal abuse and experimentation being a microcosmic reflection of a greater negative dynamic that certain aliens have taken to a high art. When one looks at who is committing the greater atrocities upon animals, one sees that these so-called “humans” have lost all touch with their humanity and have aligned with something subhuman or demonic, and the same can be said of aliens who do it to humans. Neither should be beyond reproach due to the actions of the other.
We should not think about negative aliens because what we focus upon, we energize and attract.
This is a misapplication of the Law of Attraction1. While we do attract what we become obsessed with or emotionally invested in, the converse is not true that we repel what we ignore. While ignoring something removes the force of attraction, it can still manifest by chance or through its own freewill. What really repels and blocks is awareness, preventive action, and intentions and requests for protection. Therefore this statement is totally backwards in advocating ignorance as the solution. Ignorance merely leaves the door wide open.
We cannot understand the motivation of aliens because they are so much more advanced than we are.
The humanoids we are dealing with are advanced but similar enough that, through diligent research, personal experience, and spiritual intelligence we can understand enough of their motivations to detect benevolence or insincerity. Those who assume limits for human understanding have failed to probe those limits themselves and therefore have no right making such claims, and even if they probed and hit a brick wall, others may still blast right through it.
We do not know enough, so we should keep it simple and stick to a black/white view.
This recommends ignorance in the name of practicality and objectivity, implying that we ought to just move forward using what we have regarding the alien presence and keep it simple. What a defeatist perspective. Instead of settling for a simplistic and erroneous picture, what should be done is to broaden the scope of research and apply some critical thinking to keep improving the accuracy of the picture.
We cannot determine alien intentions until after working with them long enough to see what they have to offer, anything sooner is jumping to conclusions.
The more we learn about the alien presence and their possible motivations beforehand from the mountains of evidence and research already available, the more discerning and astutely perceptive we will be when it comes time for contact and negotiations. In other words, we will more quickly discern alien intentions if coming to the table prepared, perhaps quick enough to avert disastrous commitments. This statement instead encourages the postponement of judgment until long after numerous agreements and relations with alien factions have already been established, which may be too late if the alien faction in question is particularly persuasive and invasive.
Our lack of understanding is what leads to misperceiving alien methods as being hostile. We are like scared animals resisting the help of a kind veterinarian. Aliens are here to teach us, and our irrational fear of them is what keeps us from learning.
There is a difference between a blind fear reaction to something unknown, and the discovery of alien skulduggery after years of research. Lack of understanding can just as easily lead to perceiving insincere forces as benevolent, while proper understanding can peel away the mask and reveals the deceptive dynamics beneath. There is too much research, abductee testimony, and historical evidence indicating hostile intentions among some alien factions. To rationalize them all away as mere fear reactions and misunderstandings is naive and dishonest to the extreme.
The greatest barriers produce the greatest rewards, therefore we need to move through our fear of aliens and accept our partnership with them to reap the rewards.
This is another example of passing wise prudence off as ignorant fear. While there are people who fear the unknown and thus fear all aliens inclusively, there are others who have enough awareness of negative alien factions to likewise be cautious, though with eyes open instead of closed. The challenge humanity faces is not only overcoming fear of the unknown, but lack of discernment concerning the unknown once it breaches the wall of consensus reality.
To anticipate the arrival of aliens as being anything other than a positive blessing is giving into primitive fear-centers of your brain instead of the more evolved parts.
Again this tries to pass off educated cautionary perspectives as blind fear reactions. It plays on the politically correct, materialistic, self-deprecating meme that humans are more primitive than they truly are. While many humans are indeed brutish by alien standards, it is underhanded to project this upon others who are mature, aware, discerning, and have done the research, gone through the experiences, and/or incarnated with uncommon knowledge concerning the alien presence.
Focusing on negative aliens distracts us from moving forward with the majority of aliens who are positive.
Being aware of negative aliens, their characteristics, tactics, and motivations is what allows us to distinguish between genuinely positive aliens and those who merely pretend to be positive. In fact, positive alien factions may require a minimum standard of discernment in their potential contacts, and knowing how to discern between them and impostors may be the awaited proof of maturity and worthiness of contact. This doesn’t mean one should become obsessed with negative potentials to the exclusion of positive, nor the other way around, rather one should strive for balance between both.
There is no right or wrong, good or bad, when it comes to aliens because these are labels stemming from our own judgmental attitudes.
This kind of moral relativism ensures that, with zero discernment, humanity would hand the reigns of its destiny over to the first alien faction to volunteer itself as our surrogate conscience. Instead of rejecting judgment, we ought to hone it. As long as positive versus negative are defined logically, intuitively, and discerningly, valid judgments can be made without falling into the errors of emotional bias, blind dogma, or backward tradition. Since humanity will face the consequences of its decisions, it alone must make those decisions according to its highest system of standards in order to grow from the experience and preserve self-determination.
Alien factions have their own ideologies, some meeting the standards established by mankind, others not. This separates alien factions out into those who respect mankind’s decisions, and those who oppose or undermine. Therefore even if all judgment were subjective and viewpoints relative, it is still the responsibility of all individuals to make distinctions between different alien motivations to see which ones are agreeable.
2. Misapplying spiritual principles
We are all One, all fragments of God on the path to self-realization and merger with God. There can be no such thing as an alien invasion. For them to invade us is as impossible as us invading ourselves, because aliens are us, and we are them.
Creation is not just an amorphous blob of homogenous unity, but a unified diversity. Individual minds are cut from the same cloth of consciousness, but since each mind is endowed with freewill, its choices may run into conflict with the choices of others. This is what breeds competition or cooperation. A lion and gazelle may be “One” in the absolute sense, but that has no bearing on whether the lion can or cannot capture and kill the gazelle. Likewise, the freewill of hostile aliens factions and humans may be in conflict with each other, where one ultimately wins out; this neither invalidates, nor is invalidated by, the fact that both aliens and humans are manifestations of the same primordial consciousness underlying Creation.
You are the creator of your experience, therefore you cannot be a victim, and therefore aliens cannot be abusers.
This argument hinges on an erroneous, oversimplified, and overextended picture of how individual consciousness is entangled with personal experiential reality. Quantum physics supports the idea that observed reality is shaped by the consciousness of the observer, but there are overlooked subtleties and limitations to this interaction. Even though we create our experiential reality by choosing at certain points, we do not create it completely enough to eliminate all possibility of freewill violation, abuse, or victimization. We are often overridden by the causal consequences of prior choices made by ourselves and others who are mutually entangled with our reality.
There is also a difference between consenting to risk and consenting to some particular manifestation of that risk. For example, every time you drive, you accept the risk of an accident without choosing to have an accident per se. Agreeing to face the risk of freewill violation by choosing to enter into a reality where that possibility exists does not translate into consenting to the violation when it tries to occur. So freewill violations can still take place in environments that one has freely chosen to enter.
When we fear aliens, we are really fearing the part of ourselves that they represent, and we represent the part of themselves that they lack. Therefore we need each other as mirrors to learn and grow into our full potential.
For this argument to work, the parts of ourselves that aliens represent must be parts we fear irrationally. Then it would follow that accepting and integrating these parts toward greater psychological completion reflects over into accepting and integrating with aliens to become complete as a civilization. But what if the aliens of concern represent the psychopathic, parasitic, predatory parts of ourselves that we have good reason to overcome? Then instead of accepting both, we would need to acknowledge and overcome both, and in doing so we jettison the inner and outer dross and grow into our full potential. The question is whether to integrate or overcome, and the answer depends on the particular motives and characteristics of an alien faction and whether what they represent is healthy and progressive or entropic and dysfunctional.
What you resist persists. The more allowance you give to aliens, the less unnecessary pain, resistance, and fear persists in the process and the more it becomes an exciting journey of joy and discovery.
It is true that resisting good and necessary experiences creates friction and pain, but the statement falsely assumes that alien abductions are good and necessary, or falsely implies that the pain and suffering associated with abductions is proof that a positive experience is being unreasonably resisted. Whether the experience is positive or negative, cooperating will indeed reduce or eliminate the suffering, but with two totally different outcomes. The first leads to genuine growth, the second to subjugation under the illusion of growth. The argument attempts to obscure this difference. The proper way to remove suffering associated with a negative experience is to end the experience. Rather than capitulating, one needs to prevail over it, especially if there is choice in the matter. If people didn’t have the choice, their cooperation would not be so desperately solicited.
3. Spinning the unavoidable facts
Most aliens are benevolent. Only a small minority of aliens are devious, but they are the ones who make the news so it falsely seems like all aliens are that way. There is only a very small renegade faction of aliens, and the rest mean us no harm.
This attempts to marginalize negative alien activities by pinning them on an insignificant minority of renegade or devious aliens with the goal of keeping the overwhelming majority free from suspicion. Rather than being the exception, however, negative alien encounters that “make the news” are only the tip of the iceberg. They are incidences that have leaked out through cracks in the wall of secrecy. While benevolent aliens exist and may number in the majority, it would be erroneous to conclude that the majority of human-alien interactions like abductions are therefore benevolent as well. The abduction program may be the characteristic modus operandi of manipulative aliens, meaning that benevolent aliens would have little or no involvement in typical alien abductions. Therefore what the public knows of aliens through abduction accounts should not be falsely credited to benevolent aliens despite them possibly being in the majority. Also, the phenomenon of cloaked aliens carrying out surreptitious monitoring, influencing, and energy harvesting shows that even if they are small in number, negative aliens can have quite a pervasive presence.
Aliens monitor people, but only to catch up on what their human friends have been up to.
Very poor attempt to spin the widespread problem of abductees being implanted for remote monitoring and influencing purposes. The fact that it had to be spun at all indicates implantation is happening and that there is concern over people becoming suspicious of the phenomenon. Observant abductees who have implants know from personal experience that their function is not simply to monitor and record. Depending on the type, implants can also influence emotions, alter hormone production, create disorientation to interrupt forbidden lines of thinking, induce sudden drowsiness, create paralysis, manipulate dreams, simulate schizophrenia, insert thoughts, and transmit voices and images.
If you hear reports of negative abductions, do not be alarmed because you are safe, just as you continue to be safe despite hearing of the occasional crime happening in your town.
Abductees who learn too much about the real nature of abductions become concerned, uncooperative, and suspicious of their abductors. This can be deterred if negative abductions are framed as being too distant a phenomenon to be concerned with. If the abductee believes that reports of negative abductions have no bearing on his own experiences, then he will feel safe and continue cooperating. Negative aliens are very concerned with their public image because they use it to leverage desired behaviors out of misguided targets, so whatever perception tarnishes that image must be quarantined and rendered inert.
Some aliens, in having little understanding of emotion or individuality, may rough handle people out of sheer incompetence and lack of finesse.
That may be true in some cases, but not all negative abductions are solely characterized by painful procedures that can be explained away as the products of incompetence. Mind programming, torture, rape, and energy harvesting are not mistakes, but intentional acts.
Greys have evolved such large heads because their society placed high emphasis on intellect. They clone because the larger heads would not fit through the birth canal. Cloning reduced variation between individuals, which is why they tend to look alike. When they moved underground to survive inhospitable surface conditions, their bodies became smaller to make better use of limited space. To compensate for the lack of natural sunlight, the pupil of their eyes evolved into eventually covering the entire eye surface.
This is an example of taking what the public assumes about Greys and incorporating it into a plausible but misleading story. The goal here is to present Greys as their own sentient civilization who suffered a cataclysm and after lengthy adaptation evolved into their current odd form. The above story is patently false; their signature black eyes are not giant pupils, but dark coverings over either a reptilian-like eye or a camera-like sensor depending on the type of Grey. If their black eyes were pupils overgrown to capture more light, the abduction environment wouldn’t be so brightly lit and the light would illuminate the back of their retinas making their eyes anything but black. Rather than being a civilization unto themselves, Greys are more likely artificial entities grown in tanks to become worker drones for other aliens.
Greys need our genetics to restore what was lost through generations of cloning. Greys use probes and implants to sample our neurochemicals in hopes of simulating these themselves, so that they may once again feel emotion.
No other disinformative meme has gained more traction than this one. It seemingly justifies the entire abduction program and its harvesting of human biological materials. It paints Greys as a dying race needing our sympathy and cooperation, but they are more likely to be manufactured entities. They are disposable puppets equipped with a fabricated back-story to manipulate public perception of the alien presence. Notice how their back-story uses all the scientific buzzwords defining our modern culture without ever overstepping the boundaries of our culture. Pollution, radiation, war, evolution, genetic engineering, cloning — all entertaining, recognizable, and palatable to the public. Were the story instead to involve interdimensional biological automatons grown in time-accelerated growing tanks from recycled human and cattle parts and fluids, that would be too uncomfortable for most people.
Mankind keeps ignoring the alien presence, driving aliens into resorting to fear tactics to cut through our ignorance and help us finally acknowledge them.
This rationalization presents negative aliens as ignored children so desperate for attention they turn delinquent. Applying child psychology to advanced aliens is naive at best, although it does serve the strategy of tugging on the heart strings since it paints aliens as innocent, desperate, suffering, and crying for attention. Cattle mutilations would be an example of this supposed delinquency. Humans give aliens no recognition, so they slice up some cows to make us take notice. Sounds fine in theory, but the parts removed during cattle mutilations are strategically selected toward extracting valuable substances and building artificial humanoids. Not to mention, if aliens wanted to catch our attention they could do better and fly low over major cities during daytime than hurting random cows.
Isolated incidences of terrorizing abductions exist, and we must distinguish between these and the majority of abductions that are by benevolent Greys.
By now there is enough evidence of negative abductions that it can no longer be suppressed. Instead, here it is being diverted, rationalized, and spun toward preserving the agenda at all costs. Since the exact percentage of negative abductions is unknown, there is room to arbitrarily make up a percentage and have it appear that a good portion is supposedly by benevolent Greys. However, those who forward the idea of benevolent Greys fail to address the possibility of screen memories that paint over negative abductions with the illusion of positive ones. These screen memories are well within standard operating procedures for negative aliens. Without that being taken into account, it cannot be said with confidence what portion of Grey abductions are positive.
Aliens operate in stealthy ways to bypass our conscious denial of them, but operate in our world nonetheless because subconsciously we have invited them.
The implication is that they operate stealthily only to accommodate our conscious denial, while our genuine desire to invite them lays buried in the subconscious. This rationalizes away the stealthy nature of the alien presence by putting blame on humanity for being willfully ignorant of their inner spiritual longing for contact. Concerning the negative alien agenda, the statement would be more accurate if turned around: “Aliens depend on our lack of conscious awareness to operate in stealthy ways, and use our subconscious vulnerabilities as back doors to gain deeper access to our world.”
Nosebleeds by abductees are simply psychosomatic reactions to buried abduction memories trying to surface.
Nosebleeds correlate with abduction activity, that much is true, but rather than admitting this is caused by brain implantation through the nose, which sounds painful and disturbing, the correlation is explained away as a psychosomatic manifestation of memories trying to break through the barrier of denial, that it’s therefore a good thing that these memories are finally coming through. Well, abduction memories are suppressed by design to cover up what really happened and shelter the abductee’s fragile psyche against remembering overwhelmingly frightening and traumatic experiences. These memories are not meant to surface, unless they are decoy or screen memories to inject false data into the body of abduction research literature.
Paralysis during abductions is done through remote electrical stimulation of the brain and has a positive rejuvenating side effect on the person being paralyzed.
Paralysis is another feature that cannot be dismissed because so many abductees report it, therefore it must be spun. Here the spin is that it has a therapeutic and rejuvenating effect on the body, that we should therefore look forward to getting paralyzed since it boosts our health and vitality. No comment necessary.
When aliens show abductees traumatic visions of holocaust, death, and planetary destruction, it is merely to induce an emotional reaction and the production of neurochemicals that Greys wish to study.
The best way this can be spun is to frame it as an innocent pursuit of scientific curiosity. This simplistic explanation does not match the sophisticated, motive-driven, and self-serving nature of the alien factions involved in that kind of procedure. There are several better explanations.
The first is that the procedure is yet another form of energy harvesting through the induction of fear and terror. It does not involve tubes or needles being inserted into the brain, so it is not to harvest physical neurochemicals, but the emotional energy emitted can be tapped without need for that.
Second, it may be a form of doom programming, to indoctrinate abductees with expectation and trepidation over the plight humanity faces and to therefore make them more serious and dedicated to cooperating with aliens to supposedly help save the world.
Third, it may be an attempt toward triggering and thereby revealing hidden programs in the abductee that are a threat to the alien agenda, programs of a pre-incarnative kind either pertaining to his or her spiritual mission on earth during the end times, or missions programmed into him by competing alien factions who desire these programs to remain inactive until earth undergoes apocalyptic events. By extracting this information, aliens performing this procedure gain vital intelligence that can help them preempt the opposing agenda.
4. Framing alien interference in divine light or destiny
It is our divine mission to work with the Greys, to allow our genetics to be infused into theirs and allow them to regain their emotional flexibility. They need this to help them merge with God. It is the spiritual and genetic union of humans and Greys that will preserve the future of both.
People defer to a greater purpose or higher power more often due to blind faith, programming, and emotionalism than reason and experience. Deep down, humans know that there is a higher purpose, but through lack of awareness such spiritual impulses are easily diverted toward anti-spiritual results. Notice here that everything but the end result is seemingly positive: regaining of emotions, divine mission, merger with God, spiritual union, preserve our future, and so on. The result of genetic union, however, is the further lock-down of the human soul matrix through the infusion of cybernetic genetics. Think of how much Greys lack freedom, individuality, self-determination, compassion, and any trace of higher spiritual traits, and how easily they are programmable and manipulable through telepathic interface, and you will see the direction in which humanity will be modified through genetic union with Greys.
5. Threatening with consequences of not cooperating
We cannot defeat the renegade reptilians alone since they will ignore our authority and have greater technology. Thus we need outside help. Reptilians won’t leave without a fight and Greys are our only hope.
If the problem were only solvable through physical battle, then humans are completely outgunned. Even so, allying with the wrong alien faction would cause further problems. The Greys don’t have a good track record of honesty or sincerity and are likely Trojan horses built by the same threat. There are other factions, positive Nordic types for instance, who would make better allies, although they would probably offer nonphysical assistance instead of military intervention. Which is all right because the solution out of this mess is metaphysical more than physical. The brute physical methods of resistance are essentially futile anyway. A choice will be offered to stay in that box and ally with Greys, or step outside and align with positive transcendent forces offering a more creative approach founded on spiritually intelligent principles.
Our earth-based technologies are insufficient to help us overcome our energy, food, and climate crises. We need alien technology to survive.
Why these technologies are not being used is not due to human incompetence or stupidity, but suppression of extraordinary talent and ingenuity by human and alien forces with vested interests in maintaining the status quo. Fringe technologies may be suppressed to build up exactly this condition of desperation in order for the suppressors to offer themselves as the solution. For example, by addicting the world to oil and preventing something as simple as the mass manufacture of efficient and affordable electric cars, an oil crises can bring the world to its knees, leaving people immobilized, starving, and desperate to give up anything including their freedom to forces that offer to ameliorate their suffering. We have the technology already, and anyone familiar with fringe science or black technology knows how carefully these are kept from the public. The inadequacies of our mainstream technology are entirely manufactured.
6. Enticing through promises and rewards
Aliens can give you gifts of clairvoyance, healing powers, and other paranormal feats if you cooperate with them.
These powers are dangled as incentives for submission and proof of alien benevolence. After all, it would seem that being gifted with healing and psychic powers must be a good thing. While paranormal abilities may develop during spiritual training, especially when training under the guidance of genuinely positive entities, they can also be induced or taught for strategic purposes by self-serving forces. Therefore psychic and healing powers alone say nothing about the intent toward which these are given, taught, or used. It is no loss to the alien agenda if an abductee can now heal a few people or predict their future, and it instead serves the agenda by polishing its image and encouraging others to cooperate. These are trivial trinkets given in exchange for obedience. Notice that negative alien factions, including those masquerading as positive, never gift their abductees genuine freedom, accurate awareness, or practical discernment.
Alien technology can beam earth with special energies to help enhance our intuition and interdimensional abilities.
This is another example of aliens attempting to hijack or take credit for a natural spiritual process. In occultism, there is the proper way of spiritually developing through one’s own strength and initiative under the advisement of a more developed individual, and another way of cheating and gaining powers by entering into symbiosis with a self-serving individual or entity who lends that power in exchange for soul energy and servitude. The latter is the path of dark occultism or black magic. This distinction applies to alien interactions as well. Enhancement of intuition and interdimensional abilities is a natural and destined part of future human evolution, but if an alien faction can intercede in the process and pose as its sole provider, then humanity will abandon the proper path of spiritual development and follow the black path to acquire these abilities at the expense of freedom.
Aliens will help transform mankind through new technologies that are in harmony with the earth, that will banish all disease and poverty, injustice, and want.
The question is under what conditions these technologies will be provided, and toward what ends. If the technology is leased rather than taught, humans will be forced to conform to alien demands to avoid suffering the revocation of that technology. If the providers are less than sincere, this gives them powerful leverage to do with us as they please. Benevolent aliens would advance our technology only if accompanied and earned by spiritual and ethical advancement on our part. We would thereby preserve our self-determination and leave them free of having to constantly supervise us. Aliens who wish to interfere in our affairs and take control would instead use promises of technology as a bargaining chip and means of inducing addiction and dependence.
7. Taking naive assumptions toward false conclusions
Aliens advocate peace and loving your neighbor, and that does not fit the characteristic of brainwashing. Those who advocate peace, brotherly love, generosity, altruism, and oneness are necessarily positive.
The goal of all tyranny is to impose peace and order through the annihilation of opposition, which includes the eradication of true individuality and independent thinking. Within a completed totalitarian state, ideals like peace, brotherly love, generosity, altruism, and oneness are encouraged as long as they serve the ends of the state. These are beneficial for collectivism, positive means toward negative ends. Therefore they are not necessarily proof of benevolence. Additionally, no manipulative alien would tarnish its image or show its true colors by advocating violence and hatred against neighbors; words here are not as important as actions and underlying intent. Not that these positive ideals must be avoided, rather they must be accompanied by additional qualities like discernment and independence, otherwise they become means of pacification and tranquilization.
Aliens are not hostile because if they were, they would have wiped us out already, or could do so in a matter of minutes. No outward sign of hostility indicates benevolence.
Hostility takes more sophisticated forms than just violence. If aliens really wanted to engage in a violent takeover of earth, they wouldn’t be shaping public perception through disinformation and the grooming of key opinion leaders, nor would they be engaging in abductions, mind programming, and implantation. The fact they are performing these delicate manipulations suggests their hostility is covert. Having us enslave ourselves and hand over the reins would be the most efficient and self-sustaining form of conquest. Subduing a civilization through sheer force sows the seeds of resistance in the embittered population and is logistically prohibitive, while winning their minds, hearts, and souls through psychological and spiritual warfare is the way to create a prison without walls. It is the way to create slaves who desire their servitude and suppress resistors for being enemies of progress. The agenda therefore depends heavily on disinformation, and judging by the level of disinformation out there the agenda is moving right along.
It takes a strong connection with the Creator to manipulate spacetime, therefore any aliens here on earth capable of manipulating spacetime must be positive.
Manipulating spacetime is not that simple. First, technology alone can engineer spacetime to a great extent. Through special technology, negative beings can go quite far in manipulating spacetime. Second, negative beings can still develop a strong connection with the demiurgic aspect of Creation responsible for the material world, and through this perform seemingly magical feats. Advanced initiates and masters of dark occultism have this ability, though their alien superiors have refined it into a complete science. Third, the only advantage positive beings have is in their connection to the higher divine aspect of Creation, which is superior to the demiurgic aspect, allowing them access to a broader range of probable realities and spacetime configurations. And fourth, negative beings can still gain illegal access to this broader range of manipulations if they steal and abuse technology built and tuned by positive beings, or if they influence others with special access into doing their bidding. Therefore merely being able to manipulate spacetime is no proof of positivity.
Any race advanced enough to get here must also have outgrown its destructive tendencies.
The logic is that planetary civilizations who don’t overcome their destructive ways end up destroying themselves through war and resource depletion before they ever become space faring. It takes planetary unity and a pooling of efforts to reach out and begin exploring other worlds, therefore it is assumed only civilizations that have adopted holistic and healthy ways can evolve long enough to leave their worlds and travel to earth. In truth, the positive path of enlightenment, peace, and harmony is not the only way to achieve planetary unity. Civilizations can also unite after being conquered from within by negative elements using cunning strategy, psychological warfare, infiltration, and subversion to establish a global totalitarian empire. If done carefully enough, they can do this without ever having to resort to mutually destructive physical warfare. Also, even if a benign civilization begins exploring and colonizing other worlds, it is possible that internal disagreements cause factions to split off and take their technological capabilities toward less benevolent ends. For all these reasons, space faring negative civilizations are perfectly possible.
There is a protective quarantine around earth and no aliens with ill intent can get through.
Negative alien factions do exist and are operational in the world. If there were a quarantine, it must have been put into place with negative alien factions already present on earth, sealing them in, else the quarantine is conditional and allows their entrance only under special circumstances. One way or another, saying a quarantine is preventing negative aliens from existing here simply goes against experiential evidence and research.
The rewards of cooperation with aliens far outweigh the danger of deception. We should therefore not frighten them away with displays of suspicion, but welcome them openly or else miss our chance to reap the benefits of contact.
Welcoming without discernment ensures that the risk of enslavement is greater than the potential reward for cooperation. A truly wise and benevolent alien faction would not desire that we be blindly trusting toward them before establishing relations. Nor would they be disappointed in us taking a discerning approach since if they are sincere and honorable they will pass the tests of discernment. Cooperating with less scrupulous factions leaves too much room for bait and switch tactics. Our approach should not be having to choose between total paranoia or total gullible acceptance, but discerning between forces who deserve suspicion and those who have proven their integrity.
8. Manipulating emotions through euphemisms and dysphemisms
Aliens are not intruders, but “visitors” or “guests” because we have invited them.
There is good reason to believe some aliens are indeed guests or visitors, but here these terms are being misapplied to the wrong aliens, namely the Greys and others involved in alien abductions. If one wants to choose a term other than intruder without sacrificing accuracy, the term solicitors or subverters would suffice because a large part of their efforts goes toward gaining permission, invitation, and cooperation to worm their way deeper into the targeted world. In action they are stalkers, solicitors, and manipulators rather than outright intruders, but in intention they are nothing less than intruders and interventionists. If we have invited them, it is only because we were unaware of what that entailed, and after becoming aware we would have every reason to revoke the invitation.
Saying that aliens are negative is a symptom of cultural ignorance, bigotry, and fear.
This argument hinges on a classic logical fallacy. Just because cultural ignorance, bigotry, and fear can lead to saying that aliens are negative, that does not mean saying aliens are negative is necessarily a symptom of these. It could instead be a conclusion reached through uncommon awareness, critical thinking, personal experience, and in-depth research. Of course, saying aliens are all negative with a nasty tone and resorting to stereotyping and chest beating, there is no excuse for that, but that does not mean we should claim all aliens are positive as a sign of cultural sophistication, fairness, and perceptiveness. Notice how repeatedly, one false choice is used to justify another false choice. We should instead identify various alien motivations for what they are relative to our highest standards.
Abductions by Greys should be called “temporary detainments” because they always return the abductee.
In regular abductions the abductee is usually returned, but the term “abduction” only hinges on the forced and sudden removal of a person, and not whether he or she is returned. Therefore the term “temporary detainment” is redundant and only serves as a euphemism to sedate the emotional response to the term abduction.
It should be understood that not all abductees are returned, however. Human mutilations and consumption of humans for food and biological materials is a highly taboo and underreported subject. While it does not happen to typical abductees, who are abducted for more sophisticated reasons, it does happen to those who are weak enough and in the wrong place at the wrong time. No one knows what exact percentage of missing people in the world are being taken for this purpose, not to mention all those who never even get the privilege of being reported as missing, but given the number of people who do go missing every year, permanent abductions are not only possible but have the advantage of perfect deniability if the body is never found. Each instance would then simply get dismissed as yet another unsolved case.
Abductees should more accurately be called experiencers, communicators, interfaces, guests or contactees, because they have been invited to meet with aliens and have given permission. Abductees are not victims, but co-creators and equal participants.
This only applies to genuine cases of benevolent alien contact, which are less common than alien abductions where permission is coerced or circumvented. The latter would try to present itself as the first, and employing euphemisms in the name of political or spiritual correctness is one means toward that end.
9. Debasing humanity
Aliens are hesitant to contact us openly since we are a violent, hostile, aggressive race. Aliens are peaceful and have non-polluting technologies, yet mankind continues to destroy the planet with wars and pollution.
Modern man as a whole is aggressive, but that isn’t the only reason aliens are hesitant to make contact. Positive alien factions might see humanity as still too immature to handle open contact without destabilizing, while negative ones view our civilization as not yet sufficiently programmed to guarantee complete submission to their agenda upon first contact. Still, mass programming is quickly reaching completion so the time for contact draws near.
It should also be noted that only a subsection of the human population is violent, hostile, and aggressive by default, and that if humanity had been left free of cultural, political, religious, and psychological manipulation by elite human and negative alien forces, it would have become much more peaceful and aware by this point.
In other words, it would benefit the alien agenda to project the aberrant faults of the few upon the many, and to use the very dysfunctions it has covertly encouraged as an excuse to present itself as the superior solution. It is by placing all blame upon humanity and devaluing its self-esteem that unsavory forces can make themselves look like saints in comparison. Thus a false choice becomes attractive against an artificially denigrated one.
10. Scapegoating corrupt human leadership
A corrupt human cabal is keeping mankind from reaping the rewards of contact with aliens. The cabal sees aliens as a threat to their control over mankind. They are behind disinformation suppressing awareness of the existence of aliens.
This assumes that all aliens are positive and the only antagonists are xenophobic human factions bent on keeping humanity under their own control. By scapegoating some human cabal as the sole problem, aliens preserve their image as being the logical solution. It would be more accurate to say that corrupt human elements have been colluding with negative alien factions to keep mankind from connecting with higher benevolent powers who support our spiritual liberation.
There may indeed be xenophobic human controllers, but they would clearly be in the minority given the sophisticated methods aliens have for mind programming and infiltration. They would also be at technological and logistical disadvantages to other human groups who have collaborated with negative alien forces or have been completely taken over by them. Only spiritually transcendent solutions can overcome negative alien control. Since xenophobic human controllers with militaristic mindsets are too integrated into the negative hierarchy to acknowledge these positive solutions, they inevitably become unwitting assets to more sophisticated negative forces. Their role is ultimately insignificant.
Aliens have been here for thousands of years without doing any harm, but the cabal will stage an alien threat to justify building space weapons against aliens. They have also abducted people and programmed them with screen memories of negative aliens to paint aliens in a bad light.
If this were true, the cabal would be heavily involved in building widespread anti-alien sentiments in the population to prepare their minds for the staged invasion. The cabal would be grooming, supporting, funding, and publicizing high profile researchers who dish out nothing but dirt on the alien presence, ensuring that these types always get airtime while silencing the few who try to portray aliens as positive. They would use their media and entertainment contacts to inject persistent xenophobic slants to books, movies, and television documentaries on aliens. They would also be performing widespread military abductions to produce an epidemic of abductees with staged memories of horrendous alien abduction experiences, so that alien abduction research literature would be saturated with accounts of these.
What do we see instead? The complete opposite. Researchers shedding light on the darker aspects of the alien presence are the ones getting ignored and killed, while those pushing pro-alien disinformation get lifted into the limelight. Abductees who get a peek behind the curtain are marginalized for not fitting into the orthodox view of what abductions involve. Abduction accounts showing traits of being falsified also happen to be the ones consistently portraying aliens as benign. The most popular fringe books, documentaries, and movies on UFOs and aliens are slanted toward portraying them as mysterious, wonderful, and innocent. If there is a cabal, everything indicates it prefers pushing a pro-alien agenda, which can only be if they are in collusion with deceptive alien forces.
11. Securing amnesty for corrupt human leadership
Disclosure can only come about if insiders are given amnesty in exchange for revealing the truth.
A policy of amnesty that is too universal, unconditional, and forgiving would actually encourage the continuation, expansion, and completion of criminal insider activities if the culpable ones know they have nothing to worry about if in the end all will be forgiven. It would be in their best interest to encourage that kind of amnesty so that they may continue operating post-Disclosure, washed clean of their liabilities.
To even attempt to offer amnesty, it must be given not only in exchange for truth about the alien presence and suppressed technologies, but for testimony under oath against colleagues and superiors and the complete spilling of guts and handing over of classified information. Then once everyone incriminates everyone else, there should be enough truth on the table to sort out who deserves amnesty and who does not. Those found guilty, including witnesses who have violated their testimonial oaths by operating as pathological disinformants, should be prevented from acquiring any leadership roles in the post-Disclosure world. Whistle-blowers who know they are being sincere have nothing to worry about, while those thinking they can exploit amnesty and advance their covert agenda will be held accountable. It should be done in no less forgiving a manner than how Mafia and crime rings are taken down. It is not about seeking revenge against these criminals or being unspiritual and unmerciful, but safeguarding our future from psychopaths incapable of rehabilitation.
The practical reality of amnesty, however, brings into question who has the authority and ability to offer amnesty and protect the witnesses? Prior to Disclosure, no one. The black ops networks are so technologically advanced that even under 24-hour police protection (or before a live audience) a witness can be hit with an invisibly projected beam and drop dead from apparent aneurysm or heart failure. Those working for black ops projects have signed documents virtually permitting their own assassination should they ever break their secrecy oaths. The laws governing protection of classified information and national security are also beyond the jurisdiction of the conventional legal system. So it would take an authority more powerful than the entire military-industrial complex to successfully deconstruct it. The closest we could come is a “unified planetary justice coalition” that takes on delinquent governments around the world and flushes their criminal elements, but then we would contend with a world government, world military, world tribunal so powerful that it could just as easily form the global dictatorship.
After Disclosure, the spiritual thing to do is offer amnesty and forgiveness to those military and government factions involved in abuse and experimentation upon humans.
Amnesty could provide safe passage for the black ops infrastructure (covert scientific, intelligence, and military-industrial complexes) to be transitioned out of serving national security and into furthering planetary security, but as mentioned that can and will lead to a technocratic totalitarianism on a global scale if the benefactors are impostors and openly consolidate the world’s control networks into a single network under their control. The current deniability and secrecy surrounding black projects ensures that modern mainstream technology remains unsophisticated. Police state technology and crowd control weapons are limited to tasers, rubber bullets, sonic weapons, water cannons, public cameras, internet monitoring, cell-dar, national ID cards, and so on. But if Disclosure reveals the extent of black project technologies (and alien technology) then, upon percolating into mainstream use, these technologies would allow the rapid proliferation of horrifying methods of police state control: tractor beams, paralyzing ray guns, cloaked security personnel in antigravity vehicles, remote thought-reading, “pre-crime” and dissent detection, and mind reprogramming. That is the fate awaiting us if amnesty is handled so naively that it plays right into the alien agenda.
12. Glorifying the alien image and appealing to sympathy
What deviant aliens need most is love and acceptance.
If anything, we can hold love and acceptance in our hearts, but as an act of tough love we must firmly block their attempts to transgress beyond their jurisdiction. This is because deviant aliens are not delinquent children unaware of the harm they cause, nor innocent victims of circumstance, rather they have highly intelligent reasons for what they do. They have chosen their path and like psychopaths view love and acceptance by others as vulnerabilities to exploit. Anyone who has personally experienced how psychopaths operate knows that they abuse kindness rather than respect it, and this scales up to the psychopaths comprising the human elite controllers and negative alien factions.
Greys are respected members of a galactic federation who have helped humans spiritually.
The “Galactic Federation” is part of New Age lore, signifying an alliance of benevolent alien races here to help humanity. An alliance or brotherhood of benevolent aliens probably exists, and perhaps some of them employ Grey drones as generic helpers, but it would be misleading to say that the Greys abducting and implanting humans are a benevolent race unto themselves who are part of this federation.
The aliens who will reveal themselves soon are the ones who created mankind.
This appeals to followers of the ancient astronaut theory and those who generally regard aliens as our superior progenitors. The question is not whether humans were genetically engineered by aliens, but whether the ones who will be claiming this for themselves are telling the truth, and even if so, whether that gives them the right to intervene in our affairs.
The Greys have technology so advanced that it’s almost self-aware, showing that there can be a link or merger between technology and consciousness. They themselves are highly spiritual and have turned conscious advancement into an art form. Their consciousness is collective yet pristine and innocent. Greys are spiritual. Instead of sexual contact they come closest to affection by holding hands in a circle and merging with The One.
Another example of overly anthropomorphizing and romanticizing the Greys. It plays upon the observation that Greys are seemingly expressionless, sexless, intellectual, and hive minded. Instead of admitting this is due to cybernetic traits and robotic functions, it is spun toward them being sophisticated, Zen-like, and fond of spiritual unity.
Greys have an attitude of love and protection coupled with fear of their being stuck or trapped in their current evolutionary stage, and so they need our help to evolve and we should look upon them with compassion and some sadness. Greys are future descendants of humans who need our biological material to treat a degenerative medical disorder. We are approaching a point where the Greys were earlier in their evolution. Instead of destroying ourselves like they did, we must let them help us avert our demise and in turn help prevent their extinction. Hybrids are the seeds of a new race that combines the best of both humans and Greys. Hybrid babies need love from female abductees, and the Greys learn about love through their interaction. For the Greys, we represent not only their past, but their only hope for a future.
Notice the emotionally loaded language designed to appeal to sympathy, compassion, concern, hope, and love. The problem is not these virtuous feelings, but whether the premises from which they are invoked are actually true. The above explanation plays on common knowledge that Grey abductions have something to do with hybridization, medical procedures, and the harvesting of biological materials, but it weaves these into a slick story designed to target the nurturing, protective, and sympathetic instincts in the target audience. It simply tries too hard from multiple angles to be emotionally persuasive at the expense of truth.
13. Coercing individual and collective consent
Aliens cannot help us until a critical number of people demand their involvement. Aliens want global consensus, not dealing with just one country. The world as a whole should vote.
On the one hand, positive forces who respect freewill would intervene only if requested. On the other hand, negative forces who desire a fully legalized takeover would also require our consent. The difference comes down to how heavily we are pushed into giving that consent. If the faction is one that fundamentally respects freewill, then it would calmly let us make up our own mind. If the faction is less benevolent, then it would be more desperate. The underlying intention is what counts.
Also important is the procedure of consent. Can a global democratic vote suffice? Only if the voters are wise and intelligent enough to make an informed choice. By definition, only a quarter of the population is of above-average intelligence, and it takes at least that to respect reason more than emotionalism. It is thus highly unlikely that the choice will be won by those with enough information and critical thinking abilities to see through propaganda unleashed by deceptive alien factions asking for consent. Democracy would become a vehicle for tyranny. If elected or appointed officials were to make the decision instead, questions of their integrity, soundness of mind, qualification, and potential rigging of their selection must be resolved. As can be seen, the issue of planetary consent is fraught with pitfalls.
Aliens will be contacting humans personally, bypassing the national governments.
This would do away with corrupt government deciding alien-human relations, but it could also be a means of adding even greater legality to the takeover. If human governments are so self-serving and disconnected from its electorate that they simply do not represent the will of the people, then gaining consent from the government would not equal consent of earth as a whole. Maybe this is why, despite already colluding with human factions, some aliens are still feverishly programming the population into beckoning their intervention when the time comes. Not to mention, governments are multiple in number and no one country can speak for the rest, but a unified calling by people everywhere would qualify.
Aliens cannot interact with us, or perceive us, if we do not first give them permission at some level. Therefore if they are in our lives in any way, rest assured that we have given them permission already. To resist their presence is to deny the choice already made, which is a denial made in ignorance and fear, therefore one must become aware of the choice and honor it to move from denial and fear into acceptance and understanding. Losing fear ends victimhood. You will no longer be a victim. You will be an equal participant. The quality of your interactions with them will change significantly.
Coercion of consent is not just a planetary matter, but shows up on the personal level as well. Here is an example of permission being extracted from an abductee by making him or her believe that the mere act of solicitation is proof of already having given permission. The relation between alien activity and permission given is gradual rather than clear-cut. Just as a salesman can knock on your door even if you haven’t invited him or bought anything yet, so can aliens make basic approaches or covert manipulations without having been invited. If you open the door, now the salesman is allowed to make his pitch. The process is gradual and starts with getting a foot in the door.
With manipulative aliens, it is by leveraging what intrusions they can make that they can make deeper intrusions. By convincing an abductee that those little intrusions prove the abductee has made forgotten agreements that must now be honored, they have the door opened for them from the inside. The more permission is given, the more tangible the interaction. Psychological manipulation is what they have to start with, but the deeper they enter and the more willingly one aligns with them, the more physical and irreparable the damage becomes. This is true on both the personal and planetary level.
The Reticuli are presently acquiring genetic material from volunteers who have, on a soul level, agreed to be a part of the awakening of the Earth and the birth of a new civilization.
Dubious claim, considering the other ego hooks Greys and their controllers are known to use, which often lead to delusions of grandeur and a total abandonment of discernment in gullible abductees. If abductees are made to feel special and chosen, that it is their life mission to participate in the abduction and hybridization program, they will gladly submit. No spiritual volunteerism is necessary to be identified as useful and monitored, profiled, abducted, and exploited like an animal. One becomes even more useful and manipulable if an agreement is made out of haste, desperation, curiosity, or ignorance. This is because doing so places one deeper under their jurisdiction, which rolls back the intervention of divine or positive alien forces who would otherwise step in to counter blatant freewill violations.
Soul agreements are the preferred requisite for positive alien groups, however, since they are noninterventionist by nature and work only with volunteers who have, out of their own freewill and effort, risen to a level ready for contact and service. Things get complicated when the voluntary agreement was made before incarnating and now forgotten, because negative alien groups could exploit that to claim it applies to themselves instead of the originally designated positive group, thus hijacking a person’s destiny and diverting their good intentions and vague sense of mission toward furthering some self-serving alien agenda.
When you are at your low point in life, call on the Greys and they will lift you up. When mankind is at its low point, it must call upon aliens for the help and guidance.
This is among the most dangerous of deceptions. It encourages spiritual submission to negative forces during one’s lowest and most vulnerable point where they can do the most damage. It is a classic brainwashing technique where a new identity is forged from the broken shards of the old, where one is uprooted from former solid ground of logic and transplanted onto an artificial platform of new assumptions. It turns one into a reconstituted zealot for whomever does the reforming.
There is an important stage in esoteric development where the ego crashes and burns, allowing true spiritual identity to rise from the ashes, but this spiritual rebirth must be volitionally brought forth from within. Instead, here the advice is not only to call upon an external source like dialing a tow truck to get one out of a ditch, but a predatory source at that. It is in climbing to a spiritual zenith through one’s own freewill that communion with higher positive forces is earned, while upon wailing helplessly in the depths of despair is when predatory negative forces find their moment of opportunity.
14. Demanding unification and integration of mankind with aliens
Humans must form friendly relations with each other before attempting to form friendly relations with aliens. It is through global unification and integration that we can rightly reach out to aliens.
The question is unification and integration under what principles? Under the principle of harmony, wisdom, cooperation, and realization of the human potential? If so then it will take many centuries to naturally overcome cultural, religious, political, and social prejudice and division. The only way this can happen sooner within the coming decades is either a cataclysmic catalyst with profound spiritual consequences, or enforced unity through a single world government. The latter we must safeguard against by not allowing unity and integration or other virtuous sounding ideals to justify anti-individualism and totalitarianism. It is not unity itself that is important, but unity under the right principles. Unity that arises through a natural harmonization of individuals with common realizations of spiritual purpose is one thing, enforced unity through propaganda and the elimination of dissent is another.
Hybrids symbolize a marriage between humans and aliens and represent the future of both. Arrival and disclosure of aliens represents our cosmic families coming together.
We don’t need infusion of Grey genetics to evolve, rather we need the natural restoration of human DNA that was genetically crippled during the last phase of extraterrestrial modifications. This latest hybridization program is just a continuation of those previous ones, designed to further suppress the parts of us that alien controllers find threatening like individuality, intuition, feelings and discernment, and further enhance the traits they find useful like intellectual and telepathic functions.
Whatever the case, hybridization is not the best way for us to evolve. Cell biologist Dr. Bruce Lipton has shown how individual conscious awareness, perceptions, and belief affect one’s DNA, allowing changes and mutations within a single lifetime through a mere realignment of consciousness2. It is through such a shift in our awareness and perceptions to a higher paranormal and spiritually exceptional level that humans will evolve the natural way. But this can be thwarted through forced genetic assimilation if the latter is accepted as a matter of destiny and necessity.
15. Limiting awareness of hyperdimensional reality
The more evolved Greys are ethereal in their existence, others more physical. We can only interact with the ethereal ones in altered states of consciousness because they cannot enter our physical reality.
Greys can shift between physical and ethereal states like other aliens and are not exclusively limited to either state. The ones that are strictly physical are more likely android facsimiles built by human military factions, while the strictly ethereal ones are negative thoughtforms or astral beings projecting that appearance.
Interdimensional aliens are by nature “amphibious” in the sense of being able to manifest physically, shift out of view into the local etheric environment, or shift completely into another dimension. They occupy the level of evolution between physical humans and nonphysical spirits, straddling the boundary zone between material and ethereal reality and crossing sides readily.
Also, truly higher-evolved beings who have transcended physicality are not barred from manifesting physically when they need to. Rather it is lowly etheric thoughtforms that would be barred since they are just temporary nonphysical constructs.
Greys cannot breathe our atmosphere.
The idea that Greys cannot breathe our air is used by some sources to explain why they need to hybridize themselves with us, to produce a new vehicle for themselves that can exist in our atmosphere. This is doubtful because Greys are frequently spotted in open air, whether surrounding cars during roadside abductions or entering an abductee’s bedroom for a nighttime abduction, or just lingering around the apartment before and afterward. Likewise abductees can go aboard alien ships and be surrounded by Greys without either of them having to wear visible breathing apparatuses. Abductees have also reported being taken to alien worlds where they were able to go outside and breathe the air just fine.
So either Greys can breathe our atmosphere and we can breathe theirs, or Greys don’t breathe at all, or their face is a mask hiding a respiratory device underneath. The same goes for Nordics, Reptilians, and Mantids — they have been seen in the physical without wearing helmeted space suits or air masks. This is probably because our humanoid forms have common evolutionary or engineered origins.
If this explanation for hybridization is to have any merit, “air” would have to be interpreted symbolically as meaning the “vibrational level” of a particular realm. In that sense, hybridization would represent a bridging between their lower vibrational realm and ours. This connects with Greys being proxies serving that purpose for routine abduction tasks, and thus hybrids would represent a self-reproducing species that extends the upward reach of lower vibrational forces. By dragging us downward through infusion of cybernetic traits, they in turn would be extended upward.
16. Offering false dichotomies through role swapping
Reptilians here in the solar system are a negative renegade faction of their species. They are at war against the Greys, who are spiritually and technologically advanced and our only hope for defeating the Reptilians. The Greys are seen as higher spiritual beings by humanoid beings living in bases underneath the Martian surface, who need our invitation to come here as refugees from their dire conditions. The Reptilians giving us problems are only a renegade faction that doesn’t represent the intentions of their entire species.
This scenario invokes the main players: Greys, Nordics, and Reptilians. It portrays Greys and Nordics as benign, Reptilians meddling in our affairs as malevolent, and the rest of Reptilians who are not here as benign as well, but if they are all part of the same faction or alliance, then this scenario would be nothing more than offering a false choice. We would be siding with one arm of the agenda against a decoy threat. If this scenario were to be followed through to its conclusion, in the end the small renegade Reptilian faction would be kicked off the planet and humans would then fall under the leadership and occupation of Greys, “good” Reptilians, and Nordics — exactly what would be desired if they were all part of the same agenda anyway.
Greys are inquisitive beings who have degraded their gene pool through generations of cloning. They are here to create a hybrid race that can ensure the survival of both their species and ours. A small renegade faction of Greys is negative, some are just incompetent, but the majority are benevolent. Mantis beings are extremely ancient and wise energy beings who appear insectoid only because our subconscious interprets them that way. Earth is also influenced by a group of negative aliens responsible for cattle mutilations and Men in Black encounters. These beings are using fear tactics to prevent us from shifting into a higher dimension because such a shift threatens their existence.
Here the Mantid beings and the majority of Greys are said to be benevolent, a minority of Greys incompetent or hostile, and Men in Black evil. Yet all of these — Mantids, Greys, MIBs — are more likely part of the same overriding agenda that also includes negative Nordics and Reptilians. The mention of a “small renegade faction” or “incompetence” marginalizes through disposable bad guys what truths have leaked out concerning the real nature of the agenda.
Greys and Nordics are two evolutionary offshoots of the human race, having time traveled here from the future. Nordics are highly spiritual, most Greys are friendly, while a small rogue faction of Greys is negative. Government is acting entirely on its own, not under any control or direction by aliens, just some treaties with them. Reports of Reptilians or Mantids are likely misperceptions on the part of abductees when they see certain pathologically disfigured Greys.
That last part is a baseless rationalization considering the level of detail involved in the abductee depictions of Reptilians and Mantids, showing them as fully distinct from Greys and healthy in their own right. This scenario goes further than others by saying that Greys and Nordics are not only benevolent but our own descendants. The anthropomorphic makeover of cybernetic Greys is a consistent part of the disinformation, and portraying them as benevolent future humans is an extreme example of that.
Ultimately, the crux of the deception here is the claim that all Nordics are highly positive beings from the future. If this were taken as gospel, then any and every Nordic alien group that presents itself to the world would be hailed as our benefactors, even if they happen to be cloned Nordics used as puppets by negative alien factions, negative Nordic overlords, or Aryan members of an underground civilization looking to migrate to the surface.
Hidden Order Behind Contradictory Scenarios
Notice that the various disinformative scenarios outwardly contradict each other, whether they come from channelers, academics, insiders, researchers, or aliens communicating through abductees and contactees. Some say all alien factions are positive, some admit a few are negative, and where one scenario draws the line between positive and negative differs from where another makes that distinction.
Obviously they cannot all be correct even though each makes a compelling case for being something other than a petty hoax. This eliminates the possibility that all aliens are positive and sincere, as there would have to be far more consistency and verifiability in what they say for that to hold true.
Some researchers have gotten exasperated with all the contradictions and concluded that aliens must simply be nonphysical pranksters playing with us, or perhaps dynamic manifestations of our collective unconscious. If only it were that simple. These explanations fail because, despite the contradictions, what these scenarios have in common is that they keep drawing from the same cast of players: Nordics, Reptilians, Mantids, Greys, and the Government. In other words, the contradictory scenarios have an underlying order pointing toward a dishonest agenda. Disinformative sources who admit to some negative factions simply take a few players and posture them against each other. This seems to be the most effective approach since it both marginalizes evidence of negative alien activities by pinning these upon a small disposable faction and offers up the other aliens of the same agenda as the solution. By portraying at least one of these as our ally, it is ensured that the agenda moves forward regardless of whom we choose.
The various scenarios also have traits of being tests aimed at different target audiences used as focus groups to help construct and refine the most successful scenario that will be presented to the whole world when the time comes. Incidentally, the scenarios are not so contradictory as to be impossible to absorb into the final revealed picture. There is enough padding within each to allow for later incorporation.
So the goal appears to hook different audiences with different stories, learn from their reactions what composite story would assure the highest rate of acceptance across the broadest spectrum of individuals, and then activate the final scenario and pull all those audiences plus the rest of the population under its influence. The next part speculates on some final scenario possibilities.
Continue to Part 5 »
1 The Law of Attraction is a metaphysical principle stating that consciousness shapes probability, that what you mentally focus upon you pull into your life. This principle has been popularized in documentaries like The Secret (2006) and What the Bleep Do We Know? (2005). The mechanics of the principle arise at the quantum level whereby consciousness biases the collapse of the quantum wave function.
2 Epigenetics is a branch of biology that studies genetic changes due to environmental factors. It is a relatively new field of research that is only now becoming a buzzword in the collective consciousness. Therefore it is an example of something that falls outside the dated meme-pool that the alien disinformation campaign has drawn from, which is why it shows a glaring hole in the false idea that hybridization is the only way to evolve mankind. For more on epigenetics, see The Biology of Belief (2008) by Dr. Bruce Lipton and The Genie in Your Genes (2007) by Dawson Church.