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Infinite Self - Stuart Wilde Over thirty tips on spiritual empowerment.

Living the Law of One - Carla Rueckert Distillation of the Ra Material. Essential lessons for daily living.

A Wanderer's Handbook - Carla Rueckert For those who feel they are not from this dimension.

Far Journeys - Robert Monroe Explorations during astral projection, Monroe's second book. Mentions earth as a loosh energy farm.

Ultimate Journey - Robert Monroe Monroe's third book. More revelations about the nature of reality, learned during out of body states.

The Holographic Universe - Michael Talbot Classic book on the universe being like a hologram and responsive to our thoughts.

The Biology of Belief - Bruce Lipton How your beliefs can change your DNA, from a scientific perspective. This fact shows why alien hybridization is unnecessary for humanity to evolve.

The Impersonal Life - Joseph Benner Small but potent book on aligning with your Higher Self. (online)

The Way Out - Joseph Benner Small book on aligning with your Higher Self, with special focus on transcending matrix-trapped living conditions. (online)

Brotherhood - Joseph Benner Small book with emphasis on what dark forces we are up against. (online)

Way to the Kingdom - Joseph Benner Full course in awakening to your Christ self, of which the other Benner books are but introductions. (online)

The Messiah Seed - Story Waters Collection of inspirations that help you transcend your lower self.

Illusions - Richard Bach Novel about a reluctant messiah and his apprentice, and the transcendent lessons taught to him about reality being an illusion.

Quiet Mind - White Eagle Pocketbook of inspirational and true sayings by White Eagle, in Christian context. Works well as an oracle, and gives decent advice about living with spiritual integrity and balanced vibes.

The Law and the Promise - Neville Goddard The Law of Attraction explained very clearly, powerfully, with numerous examples, and with emphasis on spiritual ethics. Written decades before "The Secret". (online)

Steps to Knowledge - Marshall Summers "Spiritual Preparation for an Emerging World." How to develop Inner Knowing, the ability to receive gnostic revelation. Includes daily exercises.

The Gospels of Thomas - Jean-Yves Leloup Translation and commentary on the gnostic Gospel of Thomas, a collection of the sayings of Jesus, of which three quarters are straight out of the Bible but the way they are written is different. Closer to the original teachings than the Bible itself.

William Walker Atkinson Books by the author of the Kybalion, on hermetic knowledge concerning the power of consciousness, subtle energies, self-improvement, and self-mastery. Classic and foundational texts on this subject, back when formerly secret society knowledge was given the green light to be presented to the public.

Joseph Murphy Another esoteric teacher of the early 1900s who taught the right use of metaphysical laws toward greater harmony, self-empowerment, healing, and happiness. This, decades before the New Age picked up and ran with its own distorted version of it. Goes well with Atkinson's material.

The Stellar Man - John Baines Synthesis of modern psychology and Hermeticism. Thorough explanation of the Hermetic Principles. Also includes a legend of how Moses screwed things up by making a pact with a demonic entity named "Y".

The Kybalion - Three Initiates Easy primer on the Hermetic Laws, of which the Law of Attraction is only one component. Find out the rest of the laws. (online)

Lectures on Ancient Philosophy - Manly P. Hall Hall writes freely on various esoteric systems, and throws in lots of spot-on social commentary as well. Entertaining and informative book.

The Secret Teaching of All Ages - Manly P. Hall Classic compendium on all kinds of esoteric topics. This abridged edition is easier to read than the full size. (online)

Return of the Warriors - Theun Mares Introduction to the Toltec path of esoteric training, meshes well with Castaneda's material and Sufism. (online)

Cry of the Eagle - Theun Mares Second book in the Toltec Teaching Series. Mares gets more technical regarding Toltec Shamanism. Focus is on being a warrior and training your consciousness. Includes instructions on how to do Active Dreaming (aka wake-induced-lucid-dreaming for esoteric purposes). (online)

Mists of Dragon Lore - Theun Mares Third book in the Toltec Teaching Series. More technical lessons. It becomes clear at this point that Toltec teachings have off-planetary origin, as with Sufism and Hermeticism. (online)

Shadows of Wolf Fire - Theun Mares Fourth book in the Toltec Teaching Series. Recaps the first three and fills in lots of blanks, then gets onto the "Sorcerer's Explanation" which is pure Gnostic Truth wrapped in myth. Mares knows what he's talking about. (online)

Theosophy - Rudolf Steiner Steiner's primer on Anthroposophy. Not a summary of Blavatsky's Theosophy, but rather his own take on it, based on his occult perceptions and investigations. Astral, etheric, physical body defined. (online)

How to Know Higher Worlds - Rudolf Steiner Steiner outlines what it takes to develop psychic powers. Combination of spiritual integrity and training of consciousness. Ties into Mares' technique of Active Dreaming, and Monroe's "mind-awake-body-asleep" state. (online)

Stages of Higher Knowledge - Rudolf Steiner Every book by Steiner has big blanks that only other books and lectures of his fill in. This one is a major blank-filler. Explains the three higher states of consciousness that one achieves through esoteric training. (online)

The Incarnation of Ahriman - Rudolf Steiner The interplay between Ahriman, Lucifer, and Christ -- the three intelligences actively at work in our history. Helps overcome binary thinking, since this trinary model is closer to reality. Explains a lot about the way things are in the world.

Initiation Into Hermetics - Franz Bardon Magical / occult training. Recommended for information purposes only. Some of the exercises are good, but others get too close to black magic. Has valuable information on mirror scrying (psychomanteum) and various types of thoughtforms including parasitic ones. Bardon was experienced in occult pathologies and useful advice for treating them can be gleaned from this book. (online)

Meditations on the Tarot - Anonymous Philosophical essays on esotericism inspired by the tarot deck. Good insights here and there, though quite intellectual with an unfortunate Catholic bias.

In Search of the Miraculous - P.D. Ouspensky Introduction to Fourth Way philosophy. Focuses on man being asleep at the wheel and mechanical in his habits like a robot, and how to fight that. As the subtitle says, these are fragments of an unknown teaching: thus incomplete. What's missing is the heart component. See Mouravieff for that. (online)

Gnosis, Volumes I, II, III - Boris Mouravieff Supposedly based on the original teachings of which Fourth Way is just a collection of fragments. Main source is inner Eastern Orthodox, but probably traces back to Sufi and related groups. Something valuable on every page. Not a fan of his political views, but the esoteric stuff is spot on. Includes discussion on spiritless humans, called pre-Adamics in the book. (online only)

Seth Speaks - Jane Roberts Classic channeling text with metaphysical advice for daily living. May be the first New Age book to introduce concept of timelines and probable futures.

The Cassiopaean Transcripts - LKJ, et al... Fourteen years of channeled transmissions from higher dimensional light beings. Done through Ouija board, thus concise in their responses. Despite corruption, I'd say the core cosmology concerning the densities, and the tactical advice concerning negative forces, is valid because it completely matches my experience and research to date. Goes well with the Ra Material / Law of One. (online only)

Bringers of the Dawn - Barbara Marciniak Part of same paradigm bundle as the Cassiopaean Transcripts and Ra Material, but written in a more colloquial and empowering style. Greater emphasis on why some of us are here in relation to the upcoming Shift. Good balance between conspiracy and spirituality. (online)

The Law of One, Book I Channeling done in early 1980s, of quality and profundity greater than anything before and possibly after. Meshes well with the Cassiopaean Transcripts and Bringers of the Dawn, though in comparison is more technical and dense. (online)

The Law of One, Book II Second book in the Ra Material / Law of One series. The series explains the concepts of STS and STO to a very fine degree, and likewise with the densities. (online)

The Law of One, Book III Third book in the Ra Material / Law of One series. There are also books IV and V but I don't consider them as important or monumental as the first three. (online)

The Convoluted Universe, Book 1 - Dolores Cannon Transcripts of sessions with hypnotized subjects taken so deep that other consciousnesses come through. The quality of information that comes through is hit or miss, but some of the subjects are completely fascinating and plausible.

The Convoluted Universe, Book 2 - Dolores Cannon Further hypnosis research and explorations of topics such as past lives, alien lives, parallel timelines, future post-apocalyptic timelines, and so on.

The Convoluted Universe, Book 3 - Dolores Cannon Most recent book by Cannon on her hypnosis work. Fascinating as always. These three volumes are great as mind-stretchers, to help you consider possibilities not previously imagined about what could be going on.
Alien / Abduction

Secret Life - David Jacobs Introduction to alien abductions with several case studies. Jacobs learned hypnosis from Hopkins and refined the technique.

The Threat - David Jacobs The conclusion of Jacobs' research into alien abductions, that Greys are breeding hybrids to replace us. Likely true, but Jacobs then scoffs at the idea of military involvement in abductions, which is undoubtedly the case since abductees have seen them work side by side with aliens. (online)

The Mothman Prophecies - John Keel Men in Black, Nordic aliens, robotoids, and flying humanoids converge upon a small town in West Virginia, all leading up to the collapse of a bridge that killed dozens of the same witnesses who reported these sightings. Keel was in the middle of it all, and concludes they are ultraterrestrial beings. (online)

Extra-Terrestrial Friends and Foes - George C. Andrews Second book by Andrews on aliens. In the first, he was warm to them. But after doing more research realized that something was amiss. This book takes a stance of discernment and includes lots of underground information supporting such a stance. Decent survey of the fringier side of alienology.

CE-VI: Close Encounters of the Possession Kind - William Baldwin Unusual book because it gets into alien entity attachments, that is aliens in an etheric state, or using etheric gadgetry and cords, to connect to human targets to influence and feed off them.

The Blue Planet Project - Anonymous Allegedly a notebook smuggled out by an underground base scientist. More likely a reconstruction made from various tidbits of inside information bundled in the semblance of such a report. Either way, and cartoonish drawings aside, info is fascinating especially regarding mind control, implants, and black ops craft capabilities. (online only)

Into the Fringe - Karla Turner First book by Turner on her own abduction experiences and its negative impacts on her life. (online only)

Taken - Karla Turner Turner's most accessible and concise work. Includes several case studies and compares them. Exposes the nasty side of the alien presence, including cloning and replacement of humans. The kind of book aliens and military abductors would rather you not read. (online only)

Masquerade of Angels - Karla Turner Case study on one abductee and his horrible experiences with Reptilian and other negative alien beings. Tough read due to the disturbing nature of the experiences. Not long after this book was published, Turner succumbed to a sudden and very aggressive form of breast cancer, after being warned by aliens to discontinue her research. (online only)

Chasing Phantoms - Carissa Conti Personal experiences, observations and theories into the abduction / mind control phenomenon. Practical and empowering approach toward the MILAB subject that gets into spiritual / hyper-D countermeasures. For anyone who suspects they might be abductees. (online)

Allies of Humanity, Book 1 - Marshall Vian Summers Messages transmitted by off-planetary observers warning of an impending alien deception event. Discusses hostile aliens acting under the guise of benevolence to win over a foolish and desperate planet. Proposes a gnostic type of inner Knowledge as the solution to seeing through such deception. (online)

Allies of Humanity, Book 2 - Marshall Vian Summers Second set of messages transmitted by positive aliens. Summers seems to interject his own frustration at the prevalence of naivete in the UFO, abductee, contactee regarding the true motives of certain alien groups. One of the few books that addresses the issue of negative aliens pretending to be positive.

Allies of Humanity, Book 3 - Marshall Vian Summers Third set of messages transmitted by positive aliens.

Secret of the Saucers - Orfeo Angelucci 1950s contactee of positive Nordics. What he says about them may be skewed or embellished, but nonetheless much of it correlates with alienology research coming decades later. Rare for its level of sincerity and spiritual outlook. (online only)

Son of the Sun - Orfeo Angelucci A terminally ill man tells Angelucci of his own encounters with the same beings. Even if entirely fictional, this book is unrivaled in imparting a mood of spiritual chivalry and grandeur. (online only)

The Gods of Eden - William Bramley History book that traces alien manipulation of human affairs from ancient to modern times. More balanced and objective than Sitchin. Concludes that earth is under the control of a negative custodial alien race left to manage the planet until their peers return. (online)

UFOs and the National Security State, Vol 1 - Richard Dolan Well-researched history of 20th century Ufology covering 1941-1973, with emphasis on government and military reports, witnesses, and political agendas. This is a great book for anyone needing more documentation and objective analysis regarding the existence of aliens.

UFOs and the National Security State, Vol 2 - Richard Dolan Continuation of the first volume, covering Ufology from 1973 to 1991.

The Love Bite - Eve Lorgen Alien manipulation of human love relationships. Important because it shows how alien mind programming and etheric energy manipulation are used to bring together and break up selected abductees toward inducing emotional anguish, for purposes of energy harvesting. Also gets into spiritual warfare.

Cracks in the Great Wall - Charles Upton Ufology interpreted from the viewpoint of Sufism and the Perennial Tradition. Unique perspective, benefitting from the advantages of traditional esoteric knowledge, though sometimes suffering from the antiquation of same. (online)

The Cryptoterrestrials - Mac Tonnies Reflective essays on the nature of ephemeral non-humans that seem to be living on earth as a parallel civilization hidden from public awareness. Tonnies died suddenly right before the book went to publishing. This essay compliments John Keel's work and the Comte de Gabalis.

Comte de Gabalis - Abbe de Villars Series of discourses by a Rosicrucian, thought to be St Germain or Francis Bacon. Published in 1670, explains the practice among Rosicrucians of marrying themselves to non-human beings. Seems to put parasitic thought-forms and humanoid aliens under the same banner. This print edition is badly littered with typos, but cheaper and slimmer than other editions. (online)

Operation Trojan Horse - John Keel Keel's magnum opus summarizing mountains of investigations and reports into the UFO and alien phenomenon. Published before the advent of alien abduction research. Covers the hyper-D and trickster aspects of the alien presence. (Hardcopy)

Visitors from Time - Marc Davenport Makes a solid case, based on evidence from thousands of reports, that aliens ships use time distortion technology and may actually be time travelers.
Matrix / Negative Forces

The Cosmic Pulse of Life - Trevor Constable Covers orgonomy, psionics, invisible plasmoid lifeforms, negative hyper-D beings, and Steiner philosophy. Very original and fascinating book with lots of information. The author is an experienced weather engineer as well.

The David Icke Guide to the Global Conspiracy - David Icke All-in-One conspiracy tome, great for anyone new to the fringe.

Human Race Get Off Your Knees - David Icke Icke's latest, gets into the moon matrix theory. Fits the Gnosis / Hyperhistory category as well because it discusses how the moon is a broadcast and anchor point for our fallen matrix reality.

Psychic Self-Defense - Dion Fortune Defense from a magical, ritualistic, and occult perspective. More anecdotal than practical, but shows the kind of occult pathologies that occur. Also mentions humans who are piloted by elemental energies instead of human consciousness. (online)

God's Gladiators - Stuart Wilde Skip the first third of this book, the rest deals with matrix reality and various positive and negative forces involved, including the "god's gladiators" themselves who have traits of 4D STO beings.

Dear God, What's Happening to Us? - Lynne Grabhorn Her first book was a mainstream New Age hit, but later through pendulum dowsing she stumbled upon a dark conspiracy of nonphysical manipulators who feed off our energies and influence our minds. This book discusses her findings and how to nullify any contracts unknowingly made with such beings. She published one more book after this before succumbing to cancer.

Handbook for the New Paradigm - George Green Small book with sage advice on how to deal with the NWO through metaphysical means. I prefer splitting it 50/50 between physical and metaphysical tactics and not place all eggs in one basket, but still worth a read. (online)

Practical Psychic Self-Defense - Robert Bruce Defense from an experiential and practical perspective. Bruce is an experienced astral projector with a good grasp of astral and etheric phenomena. He provides methods for removing negative entity infestations.

Siren Call of the Hungry Ghosts - Joe Fisher Exposé on the deceptive parasitic entities behind a lot of channeling and "spirit guide" phenomena. Fisher experienced first hand how these entities operate. The final chapters give a great analysis on their nature.
Gnosis / Hyperhistory

Opening the Ark of the Covenant - Frank Joseph and Laura Beudoin Comprehensive all-around book on the Grail and Ark, tracing that technology from Atlantis to Egypt, Greece, France, and more surprising locations. I disagree that the Grail stone was just an electrical transducer, but this book still pulls together a lot of clues.

Parzival - Wolfram von Eschenbach The best medieval Grail story. Permeated with Gnostic / Cathar / pagan ideology despite an obligatory Catholic gloss. Story of a sheltered boy who becomes a knight and goes through many trials before becoming Grail King. Explains origins of the Grail as a stone brought to earth by neutral angels.

The Ninth Century and the Holy Grail - W. J. Stein Historical and Anthroposophical analysis of Parzival by one of Rudolf Steiner's disciples. Traces the historical events of Parzival to the ninth century A.D. Not a crucial book to read, but does provide historical context for the tale and explains the inner meaning of various passages.

Symbols of Sacred Science - Rene Guenon Reference book for recurring symbols in esoteric and indo-aryan traditions, particular those referring the axis mundi - polar symbols. Relates to the Grail's function as our reality's lynchpin.

Hamlet's Mill - Georgia de Santillana Covers Nordic, Persian, Greek, and Indian myths seemingly alluding the precession of the equinoxes, but really I think it relates to hyper-D technology and a grand cataclysm that corrupted our timeline. All these myths have indo-aryan (read: nordic alien / cryptoterrestrial) origins. (online).

Mystery of the Grail - Julius Evola Very good book on the Grail, at least in its conciseness and depth of insight. Covers the various origins of Grail legends including Celtic myth, summarizes the traits of the Grail, and tries to explain the spiritual preparation involved. Comes from a traditional/esoteric perspective.

A Rosicrucian Notebook - Willy Schroedter Compilation of research into the technology and occult methods employed by the real Rosicrucians. That is, a secret network of human initiates of high spiritual caliber who are guided by alien and divine intelligences. Thoroughly documented with some astounding revelations.

Way of Hermes: New Translations of the Corpus Hermeticum Core text of medieval alchemy and hermeticism, written during the time of Hellenic Greece. Discourses by a higher being on the nature of consciousness, cosmology, and spirit. Compare to Philip K. Dick's Exegesis writings. (online)

Crusade Against the Grail - Otto Rahn History of the Cathars and their persecution by the Catholic Church, the Grail, and Gnostic philosophy. Written in 1920s by German researcher who was later employed by Nazis and ended his own life after growing disaffected. Rahn was not just an academic on the outside, but one who immersed himself in Cathar and Gnostic outlook.

Lucifer's Court - Otto Rahn Travel journal by Rahn as he goes around Europe and Iceland in his hunt for the Grail. For each town he philosophizes and shares pertinent local legends. He rants quite a bit against the Catholic Church and sides with Lucifer as a light bringer. One antisemitic passage was thought to have been added by a Nazi editor of the book. Other than that, this book really captures a teutonic/pagan kind of spirit and is valuable in Grail research.

Revelation of the Holy Grail - Chevalier Emerys Easy to read and informative introduction to the Grail subject. The author is affiliated with modern fraternal societies and takes their viewpoint. He references Laurence Gardiner whose conclusions I disagree with, but points to an alien origin for the Grail at the end and makes plenty of original connections along the way.

Our Solarian Legacy - Paul von Ward By knowing its true origins and potential transcendent powers, mankind can fulfill its destiny. Uses history, esoteric tradition, and consciousness research to show what that destiny could be.

The Spear of Destiny - Trevor Ravenscroft Classic history of Nazi occultism, from an occult rather than bland academic perspective. I think something other than the Spear of Longinus was the root of Hitler's rise and fall, but this book still captures the essence of the occult drama behind it all.

The Exegesis - Philip K. Dick Compendium of PKD's mystical writings. He was a true modern Gnostic, given a revelation about our matrix reality by some higher intelligence. Gets into competing timelines, the control system, and time travel. Important reading for anyone into my Gnosis Series.

Path of the Pole - Charles Hapgood History of earth pole shifts, including locations of the previous poles. Has bearing on ancient civilizations and our own future. For instance, former location in Alaska from 80,000 years ago correlates with Indo-Aryans building sacred sites on a Great Circle centered on that pole. Also see the last chapter of Dwellings of the Philosophers by Fulcanelli.

Orgone Accumulator Handbook - James DeMeo If you know nothing about orgone energy, this is the book for you. Includes instructions and plans for making your own orgone accumulators.

Secrets of Antigravity Propulsion - Paul A. Laviolette Comprehensive compilation on various antigravity technologies, ranging from Brown to Tesla, Podkletnov, and others.

The Self-Aware Universe - Amit Goswami Classic book on how quantum theory explains the consciousness-reality interaction, and how reality is therefore responsive to our thoughts. Also does a great job of explaining the various components of consciousness and how they relate to quantum theory.

Turbulent Mirror - David Peat Easy book on chaos theory, nonlinear systems, solitons, and other aspects of physics close to where life and consciousness begins. Can change the way you view the world.

Feynman Lectures on Physics A complete undergraduate course in physics, from old-time Newton to electromagnetism, atomic physics, and quantum physics.

Real Alchemy - Robert Bartlett Basic primer on Alchemy, including an explanation of the terminology, theory, and lab techniques. Written in modern language, this is a very good introduction to Alchemy.

The Secret Book of Artephius An older but important manuscript, one of the source materials for many succeeding alchemists. Mentions the "secret fire." Tip: if an alchemists names a mineral outright as a key ingredient, then you can cross that mineral off your list as being a key ingredient. But if he is symbolic and vague, then he is hinting at the real thing without ever naming it.

Hermes Unveiled - Cyliani Famous text published in 1832. This version translated by Patrick Smith into English (for the first time) in 1998. Lauded by Fulcanelli as being one of the clearest and most revealing texts.

Dwellings of the Philosophers - Fulcanelli I find this book indispensable. Couple hundred pages of veiled explanations on how to make the Stone. Mainly for those really interested in Alchemy and how it was done by someone who succeeded in it. (online or pdf and epub)

The New Chemical Light - Michael Sendivogius Another classic from the 1600s, often quoted by later Alchemists. Valuable book. On the same level as Artephius.

Hermes Trismegistus Old Natural Path - I.C.H. An obscure manuscript published in Leipzig, 1782, referenced by Cyliani. Key info on the technique for breaking down the raw starting material, and the proper order of the various phases. Never before translated into English. I was the editor and book designer for this edition.